Chapter 12

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Would people even listen, Perrie always tries to encourage me to do these things but then i get all nervous, but there is an opportunity, a stage where I can showcase my talents.

All of that confidence I just had came to a halt once a girl named Jamie finished her song and suddenly Mr. V called to me. 

"Ariana, how about you give it a go." It felt like everyone's eyes were on me and I didn't exactly know how to react. I wasn't even prepared.

"I can't-"

"She can, right Ariana" Perrie says from a afar. Right in that moment I never wanted to slap her more. She knew exactly what she was doing and this time it worked. I had no choice. I put my stuff on the backing of the seat and walked down the aisle not without shooting Perrie a one finger salute.

   I make my way up the large stairs, knees starting to wobble with every step I took. The well known butterflies came up in the pit of my stomach. I take the mic and it makes that squeaking noise making everyone wince.

''Sorry'' i mumble into it.

''Um thanks guys it wasn't all that, was i really that good'' A crowd of YES! was heard well damn.

Walking up the ramp aisle to grab my bag i see niall grabbing my bag and passing it to me ''Thanks 'Friend','' i say taking it from him heading out to the doors ''Welcome friend, i didn't know you could sing, something a friend should know don't you think''i smile a bit he's new to this whole thing.

''Yeah you should know, now you do know,d-did you like it i mean if you didn't like it, i understand''

I say nervously he looks puzzled for a minute''why wouldn't i like it, you can sing, well I've never told anyone this but, you have the best voice I've ever heard, coming from the Irish man himself'' he smiles, I giggle at his words for some reason they made me blush like mad.

''Thanks again niall it really means a lot coming from you...friend'' nudging him as i laugh a bit he nudges me back with a bit more force but careful not to hurt me, we continue to walk, until someone calls me from afar


I turn to see ashton looking at me i feel niall tense at my side, but to his surprise, i actually surprise myself by grabbing his hand in mine from behind my back. His breath hitches and his hands rough but smoothly grasp onto mine.


His eyes a bit red but trying to cover it ''Can i um speak to you, please''.

   Should i go and talk to him my nervousness kicks in''Ugh sure i guess'', he nods, his eyes darting to Niall, i quickly squeeze Niall's hand but let go, to walk towards ashton telling niall ill see him later, he responds with a glare at ashton but walks to his big black range rover pulling off, pretty fast.

       I awkwardly stood, kicking the rocks below my white converse

''I'm Sorry''

   I look up at him confused '' I'm sorry for being a huge jerk to you, okay'' he says and i just nod a bit upset he took his anger for niall out on me, which just hit me ''Yeah well, I'm sorry i was to nice in the beginning'' he looks confused ''See you later ashton'' i said in a fairly stern voice, He looks upset as i run away trying not to trip or anything as it starts to get dark and rain like hell.

   Stepping into my house i see niall sitting in the kitchen. I walk in there grabbing a drink, ''Funny how we always meet in the kitchen huh'' i say he looks at the ground.

EDITING!! My Everything: Niall Horan Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now