Chapter 34

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The picture hangs loosely on the zipper of his school bag, and when he gets home, he removes it and hides it in his pocket. Whenever life seems too hard to live, and his heart is on the verge of stopping. He presses the picture to his chest.
“It makes me feel alive,” he once told Thobani when he asked why he hugs a picture of their mother. Thobani couldn’t understand what his twin brother was talking about, neither did he care to ask.
In his mind, the world is colourful and sometimes it’s cloudy. He is very dependent, and wouldn’t survive a day without a guardian.

Meanwhile, Thabani is not living up to his name. He’s too young to feel lost and confused. Why their mother had to die and leave them with strangers? Why he has to listen to other kids talk about their parents when he has nothing to show?
He yearns for a mother’s love, to lie on her chest while she strokes his head and sings him a lullaby until he succumbs to a deep slumber. Like their “cousin” Sizwe who has both parents. A mother’s love and a father’s protection.

Thabani can’t help but envy the boy. They are the same age, and in his eyes, it’s not fair that Sizwe has a mother and father when he and his brother have no one but a sister who is always emotionally detached.
He hates it here, he hates that Nala let uncle Petros bring them here. If he could, he would run away, but what will become of Thobani? What will become of him without his twin brother? They are like a belt, if you cut it in the middle it becomes useless.
Life without the other is impossible to imagine. When they grow up and are ready to build homes, and take wives, they will live in the same compound. They have discussed their future that far, it’s perfect because in that way, they won’t have to be apart. Thobani’s mind is that of an 8 year-old, while Thabani has surpassed by a few years. He’s the voice of reason, the one who makes decisions for them both.
They are freakishly identical, but, Thabani has a scar on his forehead he got when he was a toddler.
Science says they are the same age, but culture says Thobani is older because he came out of his mother's womb minutes after his brother. However the big brother role has been taken by Thabani, he’s comfortable being his brother’s keeper.

“I’m not eating this again.” Thobani shouts, throwing the plate of pap and boiled cabbage across the kitchen floor. It’s late in the night, past dinner hours.
“Thobani, what is wrong with you?” Mam’Makhubo screams, it’s a special talent she has. Screaming like it’s a competition, the boys would sometimes walk out on her when she starts with her moods, knowing a belt follows.
“That was our last meal. Go pick it up.” 
It was Thobani and Thabani’s last meal, Sizwe and his parents have a whole shelf of goodies in Mam'Makhubo’s bedroom. Every once in a while, the little family would jump into a car and leave the twins behind. Hours later, they would come back with heavy stomachs, ice creams cones in their hands and nothing for the twins.
Debonairs pizza, thick base is presently massaging their stomachs. 

“No.” He shouts, pushing the madam of the house when she grabs his arm. She’s shocked by the strength of an 8 year-old, see what God did there.
“I’m going to beat this child. Come here.” She’s grabbing him again, the grip is tighter. Thobani screams, and pulls his little body back, the struggle between him and the woman becomes violent. He’s on the floor squirming and screaming, and she has a tight grip on his wrist, thrashing his ass with a wooden spoon.
“I’m going to beat you, wena Thobani. You think I'm your friend.”
“Sisi please don’t beat him, I’ll give him my food.” That’s Thabani, he’s on his knees. His eyes speak of resentment and rage, in his head, there are images of Mam’Makhubo lying on the cold floor, motionless.
Thobani is released by the raging woman.
“One of these days, you will sleep on the streets. I don’t know why I have to put up with you two. Petros must come and fetch his pigs, he doesn’t pay me enough to bear this nonsense.”
She clicks her tongue and leaves to get her beauty sleep, Thabani helps his brother to a chair. He uses the sleeves of his dirty t-shirt to clean his face.

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