Chapter 36

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“You didn’t have to call the dads, we could’ve have handled this on our own.” This is Khothama’s complaint to Ntaba.
“I had to call them, you decided to fuck up after I specifically told you not to do anything stupid.” Ntaba is spitting fire, he’s basically sweating under that beard of his.
His reaction over this matter is not usual, this is the same man who is not easily shaken. It must be bad.
“I told you it was a mistake,” Khothama is the only one who believes his words. Vumile, Bopha, Dumile, Ntaba, and Mathonga. They are gathered in the lounge, awaiting Khothama to explain.
No one knows where Ndleleni is. Mathonga is worried about him, guilt is eating him up. What transpired between them was not normal.
“Everything happened too fast, I was admiring my uncle’s land when the man came out of nowhere and threatened to kill me. He could easily tell I was a Khanyile, it must be the big nose. Anyone can spot us from a distance.” Khothama.

He says he killed Ongezwa Sangweni after the man threatened to slaughter him. His story sounds too made up, it doesn’t add up. They know he loves stirring trouble, he’s a master at it.
That’s why he came home with Sangweni’s blood in his hands. The story is as he tells it though, except the part where Ongezwa threatened him without a reason.
The two got into an argument about Vukuzakhe, vile words were thrown around and Khothama’s anger possessed him to pound the man’s head with a brick. Of course he had to feel what Vukuzakhe felt the day his sons attacked him. But that’s his secret to keep, he is not going to tell these people how things went down. 

“So let me get this straight, you went looking for Ongezwa Sangweni with the intent to kill him?” Bopha is livid, glaring at his son with a deadly stare. They should be singing “soon and very soon, we are going to see the King,” right at this minute.
“No baba, you are twisting my words.” Khothama.
“Don’t tell me nonsense, boy.” Bopha yells in a dangerous tone, he stands and towers over his son. The idiot does not look fazed, whatever is wrong with Khothama, God bless his dark soul.
“I had a list Khothama, a list of everyone who was involved in Vukuzakhe’s attack. I was going to deal with them accordingly and secretly…” Ntaba reveals his plans.
“Ntabezikude.” Vumile barks, Ntaba immediately looks bored. “What is wrong with you boys? Is this what you do behind our backs, you kill people?”
“Only those who piss me off,” of course it sounds normal in Ntaba’s head. Vumile is defeated, he shares a look with his brothers— a furtive conversation.
“And I told Khothama to wait it out, to put Thonga first. You people came here for the ceremony not a massacre, now thanks to this stupid fool my plans are ruined.” Ntaba.
“Ongezwa Sangweni was an old fool, weak and useless. Not only did I do us a favour by killing him, I did his family one too.” Khothama validates.
It is how he does not look remorseful or regretful, in fact, he is bursting with pride. Ntaba exhales as frustration bothers his soul and rubs his face vigorously.  
“An old man provoked you?” Ntaba hisses, glaring at Khothama who is leaning back on the chair, a leg crossed over his thigh.  
“Yes.” His wonton answer is shocking only to his fathers. 
“We have to call the police, you are not getting away with this, Khothama.” Something must be wrong with Bopha, he can’t have his son arrested.  It’s uncalled-for.
“No one is going to jail.” Finally, Dumile steps in. He has been too quiet. He shifts to the edge of the chair, eyes cast on Ntaba and Khothama.
“Secure the gates, tell Hlabela to come home and get Vukuzakhe’s room safeguarded. The time has come to face our enemies, those sons of bitches have made us wait for too long.”
Dumile’s declaration has Ntaba and Khothama grinning from ear to ear, Khothama winks when he meets Ntaba’s eyes. Ntaba’s tongue click ruptures into the lounge.
“What’s going on Bhuti?” Vumile is not for this, as expected.
“Khothama messed up, that’s what happened. The Sangwenis will not let this pass, he killed their bull.” Whatever Dumile means.
There is no love lost between the two families, it’s no secret. No one but his brothers knew he was burning coals, that he has been carrying so much hatred for that family.

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