Chapter 94

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The voices in my head won’t let me rest, anger, complaints, and threats of death. I can’t really articulate them, they are giving me a splitting headache. I’m in my car, driving to god-knows-where. 

Surely there has to be a destination, I know the forefather that lives in me has taken charge. She is sending me somewhere, but I don’t know where. 

“I need to know what you’re saying, please calm down.” I say through gritted teeth. 

My head hurts when I speak, I can’t stand it. I’m on the highway, driving through light traffic. Where on this godforsaken earth are the ancestors sending me?

My phone buzzes, signalling an incoming call. It’s Vukuzakhe, I didn’t tell anyone before I felt the house. 

“Bhuti,” I answer, pressing the phone to my ear. 

“Where did you go?” 

I can’t tell him the truth, he’ll worry. 

“Have you heard from Ntaba? He’s not taking my calls.” 

I hope he’s not planning on confronting him, I didn’t tell him what Ntaba did for him to interrogate the man.

“Let me call him, I’ll let you know once I’ve spoken to him.” I’m tempted to tell him not to go Chuck Norris on our brother, Vukuzakhe can be a father sometimes—make you conform involuntarily. 

I have Ntaba’s number on speed dial, it’s ringing but he’s not answering. Worry attacks me and settles in, something is terribly wrong. 

“Ntaba where are you?” 

I try his phone again, it continues to ring unanswered. 

The voices in my head have not stopped, what is it with Nomkhubulwane? She is usually blunt and outspoken. There’s only one person that can help me with this. 

Bab’Manyanga answers his phone like he’s been waiting for me. 

“Mathonga, what nonsense has your brother done? Your ancestors are seething, they are out for blood.” This is how the old man greets, with bad news. 

“Bab’Manyanga, what do you mean they are out for blood?” I ask. 

“You know what I mean, it’s too late to fix it. They have reprimanded Ntabezikude, ulaka lwaba phansi lunzima ndodana. Their wrath births tragedy.” 

My head starts spinning, and the voices in it increase. I’ll go deaf if this continues. I have to slow down. I can’t pull over, they’ll think I’m disobeying them. 

“Baba, I’m not sure I get you. Is my brother safe? And there are voices in my head, angry voices. I can’t make out what they are saying, please help me.” I’m desperate. 

“Your ancestors are angry, there’s a war in the spirit world. The old man and woman have waged war against each other. Your brother is in the middle of their wrath. One is for him and the other against him.” 

Bab’Manyanga is not making sense, he’s actually making my throbbing head spin. 

“Just allow them to take you where they are leading you,” he continues to say.  

“It better be to my brother, I can’t be doing anything else. I’m too worried about Ntaba to focus on other things.” I tell him in anger. 

After knowing what Ntaba is capable of, I am still baffled by what he has done. Where does he get the courage to challenge the ancestors? Does he know who he’s dealing with? Those people don’t have favourites. 

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