Chapter 54

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He never saw this day coming, where his children would be scattered everywhere like a drunkard’s vomit. It’s the loneliest he’s ever been, yes Nandi and Zamangwane are there but his sons are not. It’s out of his control, this morning, at the breakfast table; it was the two of them. Him and Nandi, Zamangwane is forever sleeping at a friend’s house much to Vumile’s annoyance.
Her friend, Cebolakhe can be very convincing with her bambi eyes and a natural smile that’s accompanied by dimples. She is a family-friend, they’ve known her since the girls were in primary school and so they trust her like a blind man trusts his loyal dog.

A smile finds Vumile’s mouth when Nandi walks in the living room with a glass of orange juice in hand. She is easy to the eye, she carries herself with respect and humility, that’s how she was able to bag herself respect around here. Apart from that, her demeanour demands it.
“You know there are people assigned to do that.” He never wants her to overwork herself, that’s what she’s always doing around here. They rarely spend time together, it’s either she’s cooking, cleaning or ordering the staff around.
“I know, I just like doing things for you. Serving you makes me happy.”
Yes she’s a submissive, but she’s also her own person. Vumile loves what his ears are hearing, he touches her back as he places the glass on the table.
“Thank you, MaShamase.”
She returns a smile and finds her place beside him, nothing beats being alone with this man. It would be nice if they were married already and watching their children grow.
“We haven’t been to church in a while, I was thinking we could go this weekend.” Doing church together is asking for too much; arriving at the same time, hands locked is asking for trouble. He hasn’t told outsiders yet that he is taking a second wife. Heck he is not even sure if it is allowed in the Sabbath.
“We can do church, but can we fix our problems first? I’d hate to have to explain things to the church, why my children are scattered everywhere and why I’m holding the hand of a woman who is not my wife.”
That’s not how it sounded in his head, he cringes with regret when she stands to leave.
“MaShamase, I’m sorry.” He’s holding her and pulling her to him, Nandi keeps her gaze away. Vumile can be insensitive sometimes, she didn’t ask to be in this situation… to fall in love with a married man and bearing him a child. While pregnant with Zamangwane, her cheeks grew fuller, and her waist, hips and thighs grew plump. It was a drastic change for someone who wore a small size her whole life.
Her figure changed after she gave birth to Zamangwane, it made her insecure. Vumile was there to assure her that he still loved her the same, that was enough for her.

“Please stay.” His eyes assist in pleading for mercy, Vumile is her weakness. She would sell her soul to the devil for him, he is the only man that has ever truly loved her— he is her future.
Vumile grabs her by the hips and sits her on his lap, her cheeks turn red and lashes flatter. This man is looking into her eyes, like nothing else matters but her.
“Someone might walk in.” She tells him, it would be a sight for gossipers if someone catches the chief and his mistress with their fingers reaching for the cookie jar.
“Then let them,” he kisses the crook of her neck.
“That tickles,” Nandi’s giggle softens the room as if her gentle sound could make the weather warmer and the sun kinder to melanin skin.” Vumile’s lips twitch into a smug grin, her smile strikes him the most. After his sons, it’s the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes on. 
“Your uncles must have received the letter by now.” He dives into the topic, arms clasping around her waist. Nandi lays her head on his shoulder, her arms find comfort around his neck.
“You know they are going to give you a hard time, right?” He knows, it’s been long overdue, he’s kept their daughter for too long without their consent.
“Do you have to remind me?” He would rather not think about it.
“It’s a reality we can’t run away from, Ngwane.”
Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, Nandi had held back from talking about this but the day is approaching. They have to be prepared for when her uncles come knocking.
“What about Dalisile?” Nandi questions, her voice guarded.
“She’s not answering her phone, I’ve been trying to get in touch with her.” Vumile says.
Nandi swallows, making a small noise to show that she is listening.
“I have to tell her about the lobola, I owe it to her at least.”
Nandi begs to differ, the chief owes that woman nothing. The cuddling session is over, he has made her upset by saying things without thinking.
“Don’t go, please.” He nuzzles his face on her neck, locking his arms around her. “Don’t deprive me of my right to hold you, MaShamase.”

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