Chapter 98

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My father deciding to die the day before my wedding is utter cruelty, couldn’t he wait a little longer? 

Why did he have to ruin things for me? Force me out of his house due to his poor parenting skills? That’s where I’m supposed to leave in a white dress with my mother and aunts ululating behind me. 

I can’t help the heaviness in my heart, it’s not fair because today is supposed to be the happiest day of my life. 

Aunt Rebecca is here, along with my brothers. Lethiwe will be the one walking me down the aisle. My father’s side of the family couldn’t make it due to the funeral, they know I can’t postpone the wedding. It’s not done, next thing there’s another death in the family and they will be pointing fingers at me. 

I wish my parents were better people, I wish they were here. I wish my mother was the one standing in front of me, looking at me with tears of joy in her eyes. She hates me, and wants nothing to do with me. 

How did I become so unfortunate where parents are concerned?  

The wall length mirror is doing justice to my plump body, I think I look good in this mermaid/ trumpet wedding dress. It’s a V-neck and has long sleeves. Hands down, I have never looked this good in my life. Tomorrow I will be back to looking like a hobo. 

We’re having a white wedding, we’ll do the traditional to wedding when Ntaba is up and running and I mean that literally. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” 

What is my aunt asking me? Such a question should not be asked a girl who is already wearing a wedding dress, ready to marry the love of her life. 

“He loves me aunty, I know he doesn’t say it much.” I would marry him even if he didn’t.

“I know you do, you’re very open about it. But Khethiwe, your father is being laid to rest today, I hate that you’re not there to pay your last respects.” I don’t have to pay anything to that man. 

Bab’Manyanga said not to go to the funeral, or cry for him. I shouldn’t even be bringing him up. Besides, why does he have to die on the day of my wedding? That’s so selfish of him, does he have to ruin me even beyond the grave? 

I turn to look at her, she looks saddened obviously, her beloved brother died.  

“You said it yourself aunty that cancelling the wedding is bad luck, I sent some of my in laws to go on my behalf. That’s what is to be done right? Some attend the wedding, and some attend the funeral?” 

How do I tell her that the sangoma told me not to go, for my own safety? 

“Let me not stop you my child, today is your day. Your father’s family will understand.” She says, nestling my cheeks. 

Yet she’s looking at me like I’m a monster, aunt Rebecca is old and old people think their peers are always right.

It will take time for me to forgive my father. I don’t hate him, my heart is bruised that’s all. 

We’re having a garden wedding right at the palace, having found no suitable venue, the palace became my second choice. 

It is beautiful and spacious enough to accommodate over 100 guests. Ntaba wanted to keep it small because my man is in a wheelchair, but invitations were sent out before the accident. 

I guess my family did me a favor by choosing to bury my father instead of attending my wedding. Amafu will be attending, Sono was invited too but declined. I know, I know… I’m an idiot. Maybe I want to make things right, we were once close. 

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