Chapter 56

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I was woken up at 5am today, my mom is out to get me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she hates that I’m back home.

I can count a number of times I’ve wished that I didn’t quit my job, and that old man Kobus refuses to give me more days. Rumor has it that someone was demoted so I can be squeezed in. I work 3 days a week, from 7am to 4pm. He cut my hours, talking about how he’s doing me a favor because he knows my mother.

My salary is peanuts compared to what I got at the royal house, I’m an idiot, stupid to the core—it’s been proven.

“Khethiwe.” That cold voice startles me. I whip my head around to see her standing in the bathroom doorway, all dressed up and ready to go. I wonder where she’s going, I thought she said there are people coming, that’s why I was woken up before MamNgadi’s chickens next door.

“You look beautiful ma,” everyone likes to be complimented, see that twitch on the corner of her mouth. It’s not a full smile, but it’s something and I’ll take it.

“Thank you,” her face won’t soften up, she runs her eyes down her pink two pieces suit, ironing it with her hands. Then, like a flash of lightning, she trains her stern gaze at me.

“The Ndimandes are on their way, please wash the pots with steel wool. Take a bath when you’re done.” Her gaze rises and falls on my crusty looking body.

“Dress well, first impressions last longer.” What? First impressions my foot and why do I have to dress up for them? They’ll be coming to see her, not me.

“Ma, I won’t be around. I have to be somewhere.” Bahlephambikwethu wants to meet up, apparently, he has a an apology drafted. I’m upset with him for what he did to Ntaba. Putting his hands on him like that, and I didn’t think Ntaba would retaliate the way he did. I have never seen his violent side.

“Khethiwe!” Someone snaps their fingers, I zoned out for a minute there.

“Ma!” She’s an angry bird, this mother of mine.

“Did you hear what I said?” I’d remember if I did, nothing is coming to me. I’m looking at her grimaced expression, is this mother getting some?

I’m getting the feeling that my father starves his wife, her frustrations are high.

“You are not going anywhere, I will need you to cook and serve the guests.” That’s it, I don’t want to be her daughter anymore. “Finish up, time does not wait for anyone.”

Nxa! I get a chance to roll my eyes when she turns her back to me, oh no she’s stopping. Fear taps me on the shoulder when I meet her stern gaze, I don’t like how she’s looking at me.

“You’re gaining weight, you need to watch what you eat. The next thing you’ll be looking twice your age.” That was definitely a mic drop, I cannot believe this woman. Is it my fault that my father loves to feed me? Gha!

I’m done scrubbing the bathroom wall, I had to scrub all the walls in this house, by myself. The twins are not around, they went to visit their paternal family in Eshowe. I should’ve gone with, and saved my self from hard work.

Four pots? Really? Time is of the essence, I work faster when I time myself. Fifteen minutes should do.

Rebecca Malope is playing in the background. Her music has a way of inspiring a person to work hard when it comes to house chores, if it’s not her, it’s that IPCC church group. .

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