Chapter 42

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“I’m not playing with you, Zamangwane. You’ve been gone the entire day, who gave you permission to leave?”
I don’t fancy being a mother, Nandi seems to be having a tough time with Zamangwane. Imagine having a child who does not listen to you, I would beat the life out of them.
“Stop lying Zamangwane,” She’s shouting, which is not new. It’s what she’s been doing for the past ten minutes, she went as far as neglecting her pots and burned the onion.
“I want you home now, your friends can wait. It’s not safe out there.” I don’t know what Zamangwane says in return, but it has Nandi looking defeated. She removes the phone from her ear, and frowns at it, then puts it away while shaking her head.
See what I mean? She must beat her, that’s how I was raised, I never dared to raise my voice at my mother.
Curiosity is urging me to ask Nandi where Zamangwane is, she’s chopping carrots—butchering them actually. If those carrots could talk, they’d open an attempted murder case against her.

“That child is unbelievable, how was she let out of the premises? She knows it’s not safe out there, but she’s gallivanting with her friends.” Nandi complains, she’s fuming I must say.
She throws the knife on top of the cutting board and marches out of the kitchen, headed for the lounge.
The men are seated there, waiting to be served food.
I can hear their voices from here, laughter, complaints and cheering. Yes they are watching soccer, I stopped trying to figure out the Khanyiles a long time ago, they are a different breed. Bopha and Dumile are in the hospital, not fighting for their lives, thankfully. Fortunately, the snake was not a black mamba.
They were able to flush out the poison before it reached their… argh! I’m not a doctor.
My heart knocks on my chest when I hear Ntaba’s voice, he’s one of the loudest, him and Khothama. Mathonga is somewhat too quiet, he’s not the Mathonga I know. He looked like a Zombie when he came home with Ntaba in the afternoon.
The ceremony went well, I don’t have much details. I am a servant after all and this servant has not seen Ntaba yet. I miss his face and his smile, all of him. 

“Sisi!” Yeer, what does this woman want? I don’t bother to school my features as she nears me, she must know that I know she’s a low class slut. My focus is on the pap I’m stirring on the stove, if Thethelela nears me, I will slap her with this wooden spoon.
Warning! She’s too close.
“What is it?” I ask as I close the pot and give her my attention. Folding my arms across my chest means I am not comfortable with her around me. It will take time for me to slap her with my hand far from reach, I have a feeling she’s here to spew nonsense.
She scoffs, eyeing me from top to bottom as if I’m nothing but a house keeper.
Gee, what do you know? I am a house keeper, but I have something to boast about, and that’s knowing Ntabezikude naked and buried deep inside me.
“What is your job description around here?”
What kind of a question is that? I look around, maybe she’s not talking to me because wow…
“Excuse me?” I spit, if I could, I would spit venom that would kill her on the spot.
“I’m asking because it’s not normal for a servant to enter the royal rooms without knocking.” Hehehe!
“Are you serious?” I cackle, arrogantly. “And who are you to tell me this?”
“I’m married to royalty, and you little girl belong under my feet.” Oh wow! My mother never told me that I belong under Thethelela’s feet, she should’ve prepared me for this day. I am beyond shocked—not.
“You don’t know me, sisi. I would appreciate it if you refrained from insulting me and me walking into Ntabezikude’s room without knocking has nothing to do with you, Mrs. Bopha Khanyile.” I get into her space, she frowns, looking at me like I’m covered in shit.

“You should be ashamed of yourself, sleeping with father and son. Does your husband know he married a prostitute?”
This one thinks I’m afraid of her.
“Yey wena?” She snaps, pushing me. I push her back that she staggers and hits her back against the counter.
“How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are?” She sputters, she’d be shocked if I told her who I think I am. Ntaba’s queen to begin with.
“I’m a woman who respects herself enough not to sleep with my uncle’s son.” I make sure to rub it in her face. 
“No one is ever going to believe you, do you have any proof that I slept with Ntaba? Anything? A picture, a video?” She asks.
How does Bopha deal with her, she’s annoying as fuck. Her eyes are scanning me, as if she’s found a hidden treasure in me.

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