chapter three

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You sat up slowly and stretched.

You had fallen asleep.

"Hello sleepy head." Vivian looked up from her book since she heard your bed creak.

"Hello! How long have I been out for?" You asked.

"Like an hour?" She replied.


You felt your phone vibrate and picked it up off of your nightstand. It was a text from an unknown number.

Hey! It's Kirishima from the gym
is this Y/n?

yup :)

Kirishima 💪
Okay cool
I thought I was getting pranked

why would you think that???

Kirishima 💪
My roommate

okay but like what was the prank?

Kirishima 💪
I don't even know man

You laughed at your phone and lightly covered your mouth to silence yourself.


The crimson haired boy smiled at his phone. 

"Why do you have such a dorky look on your face?" Katsuki questioned.

"Don't I always look dorky to you Bakubro?" Kirishima replied while raising an eyebrow.

"Don't play dumb, you know what I mean." Katsuki sighed.

"I was texting the girl who you said was pranking me." Kirishima smirked.

"I wouldn't be so happy if I were you." Bakugo remarked.

"Why?" The redhead's smile dropped.

"If she's as attractive as you say she is but needed her friend to set you two up, she's pathetic." He stated.

"Woah, you shouldn't just be calling people pathetic." Kirishima sighed.

"Oh she'll be fine." Katsuki laughed.

"hmm." Kirishima thinks to himself.

"What's bugging you shitty hair?"

"I don't trust you to help me, I need Mina, or maybe Hanta, ooh Denki would be a good option." Kirishima thinks aloud.

"Why don't you just invite them over then?" Bakugo grumbled.

"Great idea!" Kirishima texted his friends to come over ASAP with the code 'sos'


knock knock knock

Kiri stood up from his bed and answered the door.

"We got the message, what's the emergency?" The three asked in unison.

"Calm down guys he just has a crush." Bakugo teased.

"I wouldn't call it a crush, I've barely spoken with her. I just... I just want to know how I should try to get to know her more." Kirishima stated.

"Oh my gosh that's so cute." Mina squealed as she sat down on the couch.

"Fill us in." Hanta commanded with a grin.

"Okay so I was at the gym per usual, and then I see this girl at the bench press not doing anything, and then I offered her my help, and she accepted it. And then her friend comes up and asks me if I'd help her... not the friend but the girl I was spotting, Y/n." Kirishima started.

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