chapter twelve

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"Viv what do I do!" You asked as you paced around the room. "I completely forgot about this essay and it has to be 5 pages long!" You were freaking out.

With the party yesterday and Malachi on top of that you didn't even think about your art appreciation essay that was due today. The worst thing was that you lost your computer charger so you had nothing write it on.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down N/n, you can go to the library and get it done there. Also when you're inserting the pictures just make them really big." She advised.

"You're so right! Oh Vivian you're my life saver!" You gave her a big hug.

"Of course I am!" She smiled. "But Y/n, be honest with me. What's been bothering you?" She asked.

"..." You thought about telling her everything but you just couldn't. "Why do you think something is bothering me?"

"You would have figured this whole thing out instantly." She said.

"I'm probably just tired from the party last night, don't worry about it." You sighed as you put on a pair of shoes.

"Okay, but you know that you can tell me anything right?"

"Right." You smiled "Okay, I'll be off now." You grabbed your stuff, left the dorm and started walking to the campus' library.


You were two hours in and you were barely on the second page. You spent the first hour researching the artworks and their creators. It wasn't fun but you had to do what you had to do.  Thankfully, you were in the zone now and the essay came to with ease. You were typing fast and listening to some of your favorite songs to keep you focused.

"Y/n is that you?" Someone's voice snapped you out of your trance.

You took out one headphone and looked at the person who was talking to you.

"Oh Denki! Long time no see." You smiled and he took a seat next to you.

"Yeah, how've you been?" He asked.

"Good, you?" You replied.

"Pretty good. Whatcha workin on?" The blonde questioned.

"An essay for my art class." You sighed.

"Bummer, but you know what would be fun?" He asked.

"What?" You wondered.

"My friends and I are throwing a party this Friday you should come." He invited you.

You've never been to an actual high school party let alone a college one. You thought about it for a second before replying.

"Who else is gonna be there?" You inquired.

"Katsuki, Eijiro, some of my other friends." He listed.

"Eijiro Kirishima?" You questioned.

"Yup!" He gave you a thumbs up.

"I didn't know that you knew him." You noted.

"Wow, he's never mentioned me?" He frowned.

"Was he supposed to?" You tilted your head in confusion

"...No." He hesitated.

"Okay...? But anyways about the party, I might go but if I do go can I invite some friends?"

"Of course you can!" He smiled. "The more the merrier."

"Here, let's exchange numbers so you can send me the info."  You handed the boy your phone.

"Yeah." He gave you his.

You typed in your number and named the contact.

"Here you go!" You returned the phone to the blond and he did the same.

"Thanks! I'll text you the info later." He informed.

"Great! I'm gonna get back to work now but it was nice talking." You turned your attention back to the computer and began typing away.


"..." Kirishima sighed as he began packing up his gym bag.

"What's your problem shitty hair?" Katsuki questioned.

"It's nothing." The two started walking to the car.

"Don't lie to me, if it was nothing you wouldn't be sighing like that." He grumbled.

"Why hasn't she texted me back yet?" The red head groaned.

"That's it? Seriously?"

"What? You told me to tell you my problem, that's what I did." Eijiro shrugged his shoulders.

"You're being dramatic it's been what? A few hours. She's probably just busy or something." Katsuki scoffed.

"Yeah but she's usually fast at replying." Eijiro explained as he entered the passenger side of the car.

"What did she do yesterday?" The blonde asked.

"...She was at a party." Eijiro hesitated before answering.

"She's hungover. Boom. Problem fucking solved."


Eijiro was playing Luigi's mansion on his switch to keep himself entertained. It was odd, he didn't realize how much time that he spent talking to you. Now that you were 'MIA' he was pretty bored. He already knew that he liked you but now he knew that he liked you. On Friday when you invited him to go shopping with you.

"Bakubro help me choose an outfit!"

"Why the fuck would I help you? You're a grown man dress yourself."

He laughed as he recalled the interaction. Katsuki did end up helping him and Kirishima made sure to show his gratitude. Eijiro was happy that you had invited him to help you chooser a party dress because if you hadn't then he wouldn't have seen you in that beautiful green dress.

Don't get him wrong, you looked great in all of the dresses you tried on, but the green one was gorgeous. You looked stunning the color complimented your (s/t) skin. The way that you smiled as you saw yourself in the mirror warmed his heart.

You warmed his heart.

"Why do you have that goofy grin on your face?" Bakugo asked as he walked into the room and raised an eyebrow.

"I was smiling?" He asked.

"Like a fool." Katsuki laughed.

"I was thinking about someone." Kirishima blushed.

"Oh. Boring." He flipped Eijiro off.

"Hey!" Ejiro complained.

"You better make a move soon, I'm sick of seeing you giggle over a text." Bakugo teased his friend.

"I do not! Plus I have made a move." Eijiro explained as he stood up from his bed.

"Yeah? I don't believe you." The blonde scoffed.

"Well you don't have to becau-"


The notification cut Kirishima off and he picked up his phone to see that you had texted him back.

"She texted me back!" Kirishima grinned.

"She has you wrapped around her finger doesn't she?" Bakugo queried.

"Yeah...haha" He laughed. "W-wait, no!" He stuttered.

"Yeah right." The blonde rolled his eyes.

Although Katsuki didn't really show it, he was happy for Eijiro. The red head was always smiley but the way he smiled when talking about you was different. It came from the heart.

Bakugo cares for Kirishima deeply.

For your own good, you should too.

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