chapter four

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The day had finally arrived. The first day of university. It had been about a week since you'd met Kirishima and you guys had been texting everyday. The conversations were short but still fulfilling, you enjoyed talking to him. You were walking to your English lecture with Vivian. Although you two had different majors, language and math classes were universal so you made sure to coordinate your schedules accordingly.

The both of you entered the big room and found seats located in the middle of class.

"Our very first lecture of the year! Are you excited N/n?" Vivian questioned.

"No offense to the professor but I hate English." You sighed. 

"So no?" She tilted her head.

"No." You laughed as you shook your head.

The two of you continued to converse until the professor started the lecture.

"Good morning class!" He said with a little too much enthusiasm. "I am Professor Yamada, it is a pleasure to meet you. How's everyone doing today?"

An awkward silence rang through the lecture hall. You bounced your leg to calm your nerves. For some reason the professor waited a little too long before interrupting the quiet room.

"I hope that your lack of response means that you're doing well!" He smiled. 

Professor Yamada began his lecture and it was just a simple intro to the class. He explained the syllabus and answered any questions his students would ask. As the professor continued to talk, you and Vivian took turns took turns drawing on a piece of paper. It ended up as a weird creature with a cute dress and you put it into your binder for safe keeping.

The lecture ended at about 11:50 and your next one was at 1:15 so you had about an hour and a half to kill. Rather than going back to your dorm, you and Viv decided to go to the cafeteria. The two of you talked during your quick trip to the food area.

"So, what's your opinion on our professor?" You questioned the grey eyed girl.

"He has way too much energy for a morning class... but I guess he has potential to be fun." She honestly responded.

"I agree, but at least he has a loud voice. I hate it when I can't hear what teachers are saying." You replied as the two of you entered the cafeteria.

"Yeah." She agreed as you both looked at the food menu.

"Y/n is that you?" You turned you head toward the familiar voice.

"Yup! Hi Kirishima." You grinned and saw Vivian wiggle here eyebrows in your peripheral. 

"Shit." Vivian hissed.

"What's wrong?" You quickly turned your attention back to the girl.

"I... I um..." She trailed off before finding her words. "I forgot my textbook and I need it for my next class so I'm going to our dorm. Do you need anything?"

She was a horrible liar.

"Oh... uh no I'm good." You quickly responded.

"Okay have fun you two~" She winked.

"Sorry about her." You sighed as you redirected your attention back to the redhead.

"Oh no don't worry!" Kirishima waved his hands in front of his face and it made you smile.

"What are you gonna get?" You quizzed the boy in a sweet voice.

"I'm just gonna get a cheese burger." He answered.

"Ooh American." You laughed softly as you looked back at the menu.

"Well then what are you gonna order?" He questioned.

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