chapter fourteen

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Sunday rolled around again, Zaire had left a few hours ago so you were just relaxing on your bed. Friday's events kept ringing in your head.

Eijiro kissed you.

He kissed you.

Maybe it was just the alcohol talking but still, recalling the memory flustered you.

Did he even remember?

Sure you texted each other since the party but none of you brought it up, and considering that he passed out right after you figured that he blacked out.

"Y/n, we need to talk." Vivian said in a stern voice thus breaking you out of your day dreaming.

"What's up?" You faced the girl.

"You tell me." She gave you her phone and it had images sent from an unknown number. Wait, not an unknown one, it was Malachi's.

Your heart sunk.

You took a look at the pictures and it was all evidence of what you did in high school as well as a long paragraph reading;

'I think you should know that Y/n L/n is not who she seems. I'm well aware that you've been friends with her for years but do you know the true her? Do you think that her boyfriend getting suspended was really a coincidence? Or was something more sinister going on. All of those fist fights happening and her always having the information about them, were those coincidences? The images above will give you all the proof you need to see that she isn't the person you think she is. Do you really want someone like this as a friend? A close friend at that?'

"..." You were speechless.

"So you're not even gonna deny it?" Her voice cracked as she asked.

"I'm not going to lie to you, that's all the truth." You stated calmly.

Although externally you looked fine, inside your mind was reeling.


"Wh-why?" She stuttered. "Why would you do all of that?" Viv yelled.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean!?" She scoffed. "Why would you ruin people's friendships, relationships, and their lives?"

"I didn't ruin anything." You stated. "You don't know the whole story."

You stood up from your bed.

"So what is the whole story?" She looked you dead in the eye.

"First of all, the fights that I started I didn't exactly cause. Those people were lying and talking shit behind each other's backs. Morally, I couldn't let that continue. They are the ones who escalated it."

"Oh really? Sending screenshots of your dms with people isn't starting fights?" She said in a condescending tone.

"If someone is cheating on me, I'd want to know." You fumed.

"Fine, whatever. But please explain the whole Hiro-Amara situation."

"..." You thought out your words before replying. "He cheated on me and she knew that we were dating. They both got what they deserved."

"You got TWO people suspended over a kiss?" She criticized.

"For a week." Your voice wavered.

"Not just a week, they got kicked of of their teams for the rest of the season!"

"So what? It was sophomore year who cares?" 

"Who cares?" She scoffed.

"People have done so much worse, I don't know why you're overreacting." You rolled your eyes.

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