chapter fifteen

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Days passed by and everything seemed to blur. You stayed in bed all day, fucked up your sleep schedule, and ate nothing but junk. People say that breakups hurt but you wished that you were going through a break up. Losing your best friend hurt. You never knew that something could affect you so much, you thought that you were stronger than that, but you thought wrong.

You were a lying hypocrite.

The very thing that you despised.

You deserved the pain.


Kirishima closed his note book and put his his pens and markers into his pencil case. He put the school supplies into his back pack and zipped the bag close. These past few days have been weird for him. It was the first time since the start of the semester that you two haven't talked. Before the two of you were close you still texted everyday and out of nowhere you went ghost.

He didn't know why, or at least he hoped that he didn't know why. The only thing he could think of was what happened at the party.

He kissed you.

You backed away but you told him that you would have kissed him if he was sober. Or did you just say that because you felt bad?

No, you wouldn't lie.


"Dude, are you good?" Hanta tapped Eijiro's shoulder.

"Oh." Eijiro paused.

He ended up making it to the lunch hall, was he that out of it that he didn't realize he was walking to the cafeteria?

"Yeah, I'm fine." He gave the raven haired man a toothy grin. "How's the album going?" The red head switched the subject.

"Pretty good! We're on track for the release date." Sero smiled.

"Happy to hear that!" Eijiro patted his friend on the back as they walked to their lunch table.

He suppressed the painful feeling he felt and wore a fake smile.


"Just talk to another chick." Katsuki sighed.

The blonde could tell that Eijiro was upset and got him to talk after a lot of prying.

"It's not the same, I really like her." Eijiro ran his fingers through his hair.

Him and Katsuki were chilling out in their dorm so he didn't have any gel keeping his hair styled.

"Well you should move on, she's been ghosting you for like a week. Besides, you guys aren't even dating don't get so attached" The blonde said bluntly.

"But it's so weird, something has to be wrong. I haven't even seen her on campus." Kirishima started. "I'm worried."

"So go talk to her. You know which dorm she lives in right?"

"I can just do that?" The red head sat up.

"...Yeah." Bakugo gave him a judgy look. "That way you can find out if she's just being a shitty person or if she's actually going through some shit."

"You use shit a lot." Kirishima laughed as he put on some slides.

"Fuck off and go get your girl." Katsuki laughed.

Eijiro walked out of the room and approached the elevator to head to your floor. He felt the pace of his heart start to pick up the closer he got to your door. 

He was nervous.

Knock knock knock

He waited for the door to open and instead of being met with you, he saw a black and white haired girl.

vitality | e. kirishima (college au)Where stories live. Discover now