chapter eight

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You were being escorted to the L/n tech headquarters, your father wanted to show you around the company as you had only visited twice when you were younger. He wanted you to see the improvements that had been made since you weren't very involved in the company.

"We have arrived." Your chauffeur, Von, informed.

He opened your car door and you stepped out, then he gave the keys to the valet. You both entered the big building and sat down in the lobby. Von talked to the receptionist and then she made a phone call. A few minutes later, your dad came to the lobby.

"Hello Father." You smiled.

"Good Afternoon, are you ready to begin the tour?" He questioned.

"Yes I am." You replied as you stood up from the couch. He began walking and you followed him silently. He stopped at each floor and explained what each section was in charge of. Once you reached the second highest floor, what you liked to call the c-suite, your dad got a phone call.

"Sorry Y/n I have to head back to my office, how about you stay in your brother's while waiting."

"Can you show me where it is?" You asked.

"Of course." He led you to the room and knocked on the door with the label 'COO Malachi L/n' .

"Come in," Malachi's voice rang through and you and your father entered.

"COO, please keep your sister company. I will be back shortly." He explained and you sat down in a chair.

"Sure." Malachi accepted.

"Hi, Chi (Kai)" You smiled.

"Y/n don't call me that, I'm not a child."

"You sure acted like one over dinner." You said.

"Excuse me?"

"I think I spoke pretty clearly, were you unable to understand?"

"No, I understood quite well." He paused before continuing. "How was your date?"


He glared at you before speaking. "How's dad doing?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Perhaps I could, but he doesn't like me."

"Okay?" You waited to find your words. "Why did you have to embarrass me at dinner last week?" You asked as you started bouncing your leg.

"Embarrass? All I did was ask you a question. You want to know what was embarrassing? Dad telling me to grow up."

"What can I say, his comment was deserved."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." The room was silent and you decided to break it with a question. "Why are you so jealous of me?"

"...I think you know the answer to that."

"If I did I wouldn't be asking."

"You're the favorite, but no matter how much I think about it I can't figure out why."

"Favorite? Me? That's funny." You laughed.

"Don't tell me that you don't think your dad's favorite."

"I don't. I don't even think he has one."

"Of course he does. No matter what you do he sees no wrong."

"...What do you mean?"

"I know what you did in high school."

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