Prince and Princess

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"So..." I said. Aurielle wiped away at her eyes. "Aurielle, are you okay?"

She gave me a smile. "Yeah, Alex. It's just that..." She sniffled. "No one's ever actually liked me before. Ray never liked me, my old boyfriend never liked me." I felt so bad for her. Since friends are supposed to give each other shoulders to cry on, I gave her a hug. At first she seemed really shocked, so I started to stop hugging her, but then she grabbed me close. We continued to hug for at least another 2 minutes, her head eventually leaning on my shoulder.

This is not how I expected to have my first hug from a girl. It's better. WAY better.

We finally pull apart from each other, look each other straight in the eyes, the green in her hazel eyes brought out by the redness in her face. We both laughed, and then I spoke up, to make it less...awkward, sad...I guess?

"If it makes you feel any better, no one's ever liked me either." She smiled at me. "And Aurielle, I know we just admitted we liked each other and we're only in middle school, but you're really, really pretty, even at your worst times. And you've been nothing but nice to me. You actually appreciate me."

"Alllleeeeexxxx! Aww, you're gonna make me cry again! I'm not just saying this, but you're really adorable too." She giggled. "I feel so weird saying this, I've never done an 'I actually appreciate you so much even if you don't realize it' speech. You've never been mean to me, and...just, thank you Alex."

"So...are we like, dating now, or...?" God, I'm so awkward.

"I guess!" She smiled at me. On the radio, When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars played, because my CD ran out of tracks. I stood up, putting my hand down towards her. She looked at me very shockingly.

"Aurielle Kanfold, will you take this dance?" We both laughed hysterically.

"I shall, Alex Windson!" We were laughing so much we couldn't keep a straight face for more than 5 seconds. We weren't even dancing seriously, we were dancing like Jack and Rose were in that one scene in the Titanic movie, where Rose has no idea what she's doing but they still have the time of their lives? That scene. I felt fearless. It was the first time I danced with a girl, and it was going great. Lots of firsts, today.

Until Aurielle tripped on her own feet and we both fell.

"Oh my gosh! I am soooooo sorry!" She helped me up off the ground. "I've always been a klutz."

"I'm fine, really Aurielle." I brushed myself off.

"If you want, you can call me Auri. No one calls me Auri, but you can if you want to." She must really trust me.

"I like the name Aurielle, it makes you sound like a princess, which you are." Where'd I get these moves from?

"Well then you're my prince." Aurielle then gave me the biggest, toothiest smile in the world, where I could see her chipped molar.

Just then, Elyse walked in.

"Mommy said dinner's ready. You two lovebirds should get downstairs before all the chicken nuggets are gone."

Elyse walked out, running down the stairs.

"You're little sister is adorable." Aurielle says.

"Try living with her for seven years."

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