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Rumor then spoke up, me thinking she was the quietier of the 2.

"I heard about you and Aurielle! I even made up a ship name for you guys-Aurix! Do you like it, do you?" Rumor babbled on. I just remember that it ended with her beginning to say that she's amazing, before I interrupted her, in which we were already in the cafeteria.

"Um, Aurielle, I'll see you later." I nudged my head over towards my usual table, where I sat with my friends every day since the first day of schools. If this was Mean Girls, The Plastics would classify our table as the "scrawny band nerds."

I sat down, and already the questions are flooding into my brain cavities.

"YOU have a girlfriend?" This came from Ross Callahan.

"Yep!" I said back.

"What's it like having a girlfriend?" This came from Asher Newell.

"Awesome!" I said back. 

"How was holding a girl's hand?" This came from Marshall Liman, who's in Aurielle's homeroom.

"I never held her hand!" I said back, telling utter and complete lies.

"Did you see Bob and Rumor's shirts?" This came from Oscar Caymin, who has a crush on Rumor, but he just won't admit it or realize he does.

"Of course I did! She's sitting with Aurielle you know!" I nudge him as I sit down. "You wanna go over there and say hi?" 

"Well...I mean..no, it's not like I like her...heh?" The blonde mushroomed hair child, Oscar, was blushing.

"Oh, come on Oscar! Just admit you like her!" Ross, his green eyes big from his glasses and his brown curly hair flailing around, burst out.

Oscar stood up. "FINE! Guys, I like Rumor Carolina Zonday! Okay, end of discussion. I have to go get some Snapple." Oscar ran over to the vending machines, which had lines every day. Oscar usually gets water, which NEVER has a line, but some days he gets Snapple, but that's barely ever. and I guess today is one of those days.

After a few moments of silence, someone speaks up.

"Why does he know her whole name?" Asher asked us, thinking we'd know the answer.

"Yuri's in all my classes and she sits next to me in all of them. She told me her full name, and I told Osc. Yuri's is Yuri Montana Zonday."  Marshall says, his black hair in his eyes.

"Okay then..." I say, and Oscar comes back, with a bottle of water instead of Snapple. We all give him questioning looks, and then he tells us that the line was too long.

He basically snaps the plastic cap off, and he takes a big, long gulp of it, all of us in silence staring at him. I continue eating my sandwich, a peanut butter, honey, and apple sandwich. I used to eat banana on it instead of apple all the time, but Elyse is allergic to bananas. 

"Alex, you want my tangerine?" Marshall offers me. I accept it, and I start peeling. "Thanks."

"Umm.....Alex...could you talk to Aurielle and have her talk to Rumor for me?" Oscar pokes at my arm.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh!" Ross creeches, as he also makes kissy noises. Oscar throws a Twizzler at him, telling him to shut up.

"I...possibly could, just on one condition." I tell back to Oscar.

"What? I'll do anything!"

"Someone's a little desperate..." Asher whispers from across the table.

"You give me all your candy at lunch, and if she actually becomes your girlfriend, double candy." Oscar's parents own this candy shop near our school called "Caymin's Sweets", which has been passed down for the longest time. We go there after school every Thursday, because both my parents work late Thursdays and The Caymin's watch us. Oscar has a little brother, Dominic, that's in Elyse's class.


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