To know

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Matty had left a few minutes ago for rehearsals. "Make yourself at home, I'll text you when to leave" he smiled as he kissed me on the cheek.
So, now I'm sitting on their small (but very comfy) leather sofa, alone in their flat.
I still felt gross from the night before so I decided to take a well deserved shower.

Stumbling back into Matty's bedroom wrapped up in a towel, I spotted my phone vibrating on the bed. Picking it up (I scowled at the caller ID) before answering.
"Molly?" Her voice called through the line.
"Yep?" I answered, trying (emphasise on trying) to sound polite.
"Why do you sound so annoyed?" She asked sounding bemused.
'How dare she even pretend last night didn't happen!'
"Hm why am I annoyed?" I responded, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Maybe because you abandoned me in Brick Lane last night!"
"Woah there, abandoned you?" Ruby spluttered.
"It's not funny!" I exclaimed.
"We told you we were leaving and you said you were making your own way home! Calm down you physco!" Ruby defended quickly.
"What?" I asked bemused, sitting down on Matty's bed.
"You said you didn't want to travel back with us Mol.."
"Why would I say that?" I asked confused.
"I dunno. I just assumed you were sick of us, Joe kept telling us he needed to get home. And then you walked off.."
"Oh. Okay. Right." 'What the fuck, how can I not remember any of this?!'
"You seemed pretty distracted the whole night, to be honest" Ruby added truthfully.
"Yeah I know... by the end I was pretty drunk aswell" I laughed slightly, how pathetic I can be.
"You wasn't that drunk!" Ruby replied, laughing a little herself.
I sighed, wow arguments with your best friend are over before they start.
"How did you get home then?" She asked, breaking my thoughtful silence.
"Ma-" "I mean my Sister" I recovered quickly, cursing myself for the near miss. I felt like Ruby could sense my concealment, 'aahing' unconvincingly.
"Long way to drive in the middle of the night.." She noted. I felt myself start to redden. "Yeah, well she owed me, so.." I replied half heatedly.
"Okaaay.. anyway I've got to go. I'll talk to you soon. Have fun with your hangover!" Ruby teased.
"Okay cheers, bye loser" I responded smiling.

I was sat in the front room when the door bell rung. I'd pulled on my black jeans from last night with a grey knitted jumper I'd found hanging over Matty's chair. (I'd text him to ask, to which he responded 'Of course babe x'. So I'm guessing it was A- okay. )
I got up and opened the door to a girl with wild, blonde, curly hair.

She looked shocked to see me standing in Matty's door bold as brass. The tall, skinny girl was dressed in all black and boots that made her tower over me.
"Who are you?" She asked in a soft, yet quietly judging tone.
"Molly, I.." I stuttered, 'god, this girl was intimidating'
".. I'm just his Friend" ('lie & against girl code') "do you want to come in?" I asked, pulling the door open slightly.
The girl glanced at the flat behind me, and then back to me slightly bewildered.
"Erm, okay.." She took a step in, testing the waters in her chunky leather boots.
"I'm Gemma, by the way"

Gemma was leaned against the kitchen counter awkwardly, after I poured her a glass of water. I sat on the edge of the sofa, my hands resting on my knees.
"If you're his friend, why are you wearing his jumper?" Gemma asked suddenly. I looked into her genuinely confused expression and actually felt pity for her.
'How do I say this?' I deliberated.
"My friends left me in a restaurant last night.. by accident!" I added to not make me look like a complete loner. "Matty picked me up because I had no way of getting home. But nothing happened, I mean look at me.." I glanced down at myself, trying to remain as honest as possible.
"Look at you why?" Gemma asked, seeming genuinely interested.
"I mean, I'm too young and.. temperamental I guess" Gemma smiled a little.
"So was I.." Gemma replied absentmindedly. I sat back into the sofa in defeat. I had no clue what to make of the situation in front of me.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on with you two. And I don't think you know what's happened between me and him either" Gemma seemed down to earth, she spoke with any tone of malice. Did I seem this way as well?

"But, from girl to girl? It's not as serene as it may seem. It was at the beginning, but eventually? It gets really lonely being the only one committed to the relationship" Gemma laughed a little hysterically, "God! I didn't want to be the type of girl to be waiting at a boys door! Warning the new girl.."
"I'm not-" I interjected quickly.
"It doesn't matter. I get it" She smiled sadly. "It's not hard to fall for him, and it's even harder to convince yourself there's a chance he may like you too"
Gemma moved away from the counter and towards to door. I remained stunned in my seat.
"Don't tell him I was here" she added before silently leaving.

Well, Fuck.

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