~Chapter 6~ Sleepover w/Ash&Maple

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{A/n: finally!!!. Here is chapter 6 I'm so sorry it took so long for it to come out!. this chapter maybe a little long so beware. I hope u all enjoy.} {this picture of Sal is to damn hot!! Help!.}

As ash was driving you home after the incident at the mall You decided to text Travis. You haven't talked to him since the party, so a quick text should be sent. you pulled out your phone from your bag an dialed up his number.

~Text to Travis🏳️‍🌈-

You: "hey Travis, haven't talk to you since the party.     R u ok?."
{message delivered at 4:06pm}

You turned your phone off placing it on your lap waiting for a message back. Your mind raced as You stared out the passenger window of ash's car. The sound of the music playing gently threw the speakers. You leaned your head back of the seat letting the music take over you, your eye's began to close once You felt your phone buzz. You double tapped your screen which lit up in a instant. Finally Seeing a message from Travis.

Travis🏳️‍🌈: "your lucky i survived your mother's cold dead eye's (y/n)!!, you fuckin owe me...big time!!."
{Message sent at 4:08pm}

you rolled your eyes.

You: "yeah yeah, I'll buy you lunch or something. Deal?."
{message delivered at 4:09pm}

Travis🏳️‍🌈: "Deal."
{message sent at 4:011pm}

you sighed deeply placing your phone back in the bag. you felt Ash's green eyes staring directly at you with a worried look that spread acrossed her face.

"(Y/n)?, are you okay?." Ash asked as she placed her cold hand on your's, you just smiled."

"Yeah I'm fine ash, why wouldn't I be?."

Ash sighed deeply finally pulling up in your driveway, she took her key's from the ignition throwing them inside her purse. "You just seem,...upset after the incident at the mall today is all."

You continued to smiled at ash grabbing your bag from the floorboard. You opened the passenger door stepping out as you closed it behind you. "Don't worry ash, I'm fine. just need a shower is all. I'll see ya later." you told her making your way up to the front door. you turned the key in the hole gently swinging the front door open, you stepped inside seeing your mother in the kitchen pulling something out of the oven. She turned in a quick motion holding the pan with a smile on her face.

"Hello darling, how did your hangout with ash go?." She asked cheerfully.

you threw your bag on the coat rack making your way to the couch. "It was okay,...sorta had an accident."

your mother looked over at you as she placed the pan down on top of the stove. "An accident?, what kind of accident honey?." She walked along the kitchen making her way to the living room, she sat down next to you as she placed her hand on your shoulder.

"ehhh don't wanna talk about it mom, I'm gonna go shower." you stood up from the couch carefully making your way to your room. you opened the door to your bedroom taking some clean pajamas from your dresser along with your towel. you walked in the bathroom placing your items on the sink carefully. Once you turned the water on your phone started to ring. You groaned deeply picking up your phone off the sink. you looked at the caller iD.

    -incoming call Ashley💜-

you questioned yourself on why ash was calling you when she herself dropped you off not that long ago. You shrugged your shoulders pressing the green button to answer her call.

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