~Chapter 12~ The phelps brother's

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{A/N: Sooo...This chapter gets a little crazy, some of the truth comes out, and also contains Abuse&violence! If you are sensitive or uncomfortable, plz do not read. With that Enjoy the story luvs💜} {Also i gave  your "father" a name, if you don't like it change it:3}

What absolute bastards!....

These two motherfucker's think they can show up in our lives like this?, are they stupid or some shit!?. It made your blood boil just seeing there faces standing by the damn door frame with smirk's on there faces. There is nothing more filling if you could just slap them both without hesitation.

The feeling of Travis letting go of your hand, watching him step toward's his father, he fell to his knees like he was begging for forgiveness. Kenneth with such an evil grin on his face, placed his foot on his son's head slamming it harshly into the floor.

A loud groaning pain came from his lips, his body shaking in fear as he laid there taking the abuse from his father. Your dad on the other hand taking a cig from his jeans as he lit it with his lighter, blowing the smoke directly in your face, making you cough. Your father chuckled.

"Well well,...if it isn't my mistake of a daughter. How have u been (y/n)?."

You scuffed. "Like you care!."

He rolled his eye's taking another puff from his cig. "You're right. I don't."

He then dropped his death stick on the hardwood floor as he stomped on it, gripping your chin with his thumb and index finger. You could feel his fingernail dig into your skin harshly as blood dripped from your face. Tears filling your eye's at the pain that your father was causing.

"You really are such a brat!,...a son would have been much more successful!."

The tears finally fell from your glossy eye's down to your cheek's, hearing those words coming from your father's mouth hurt, it felt like glass stabbing your heart with no care in the world, this man had no love at all for his own daughter. Only hatred.

"Thomas! let go of (y/n) this instant!." The sound of your mother's voice filled with venom, flying off her tongue. This was the first time you ever heard her this angry in a long time.

"And Kenneth! let go of Travis!, this...secret has gone to long to ignore!."

Your head tilted in confusion, trying to wrap what your mother was actually saying. What secret was she talking about?. We're you actually adopted? or some random kid she picked up. You didn't say anything, but feeling the grip of your chin being finally released from your father's grip.

"You keep your mouth shut (M/n)!." Kenneth growled between his teeth. "They don't need to find out the damn truth!."

Your father's grin faded slightly from his lips. Looking from both ways from your mom and Kenneth. What truth?."

Your mother sighed. "Kenneth!...it's time we told everyone the truth!." She turned to you and Travis. "I think it's best if you let your friends in for support."

Travis nods his head in understanding, he turns his heel walking up the back door, opens it telling everyone to come inside. Sal and Larry comes in first, behind them was ash, Todd and Neil. Then chug and maple.

Your mom folds her hands in a prying hold, mumbling some gibberish under her breath, she puts on the fakest smile you have ever seen in your life time. Literally seeing the sweat coming down from her forehead.

"I'm sorry...I'm so so so so sorry, i can't do this anymore, it's been eating me up ever since Travis and (y/n) has been getting older!." Mom blares out randomly. "But it's time."

"I swear to fuckin god (M/n)!!, you say another fuckin word I'll-..."

"Hey dipshit!, let her speak will ya!." Ash shouted, interrupting Kenneth's threat.

Your mom wiped the tears from her face, her glossy eye's shined towards you and Travis, the thumping of your heart was maximum an your throat was dry. You noticed Travis's body was shaking uncontrollably and decided to hold his hand once more.

Larry then came from the other side of him holding his other hand tightly, giving his boyfriend a gentle smile. You felt someone grabbing your hand, your eye's looked up seeing Sal. His prosthetic was slightly tilted knowing the sign that he was smiling, Ash grabbed Sal's hand, then maple grabbed her's, then chug, Neil and Todd.

"Go ahed mom."

Mom looked at her feet for a good couple of minutes before lifting her head up slightly. "Travis?..(y/n)?...you guy's Arn't cousins!."

"What!?...mom, what you mean we're not cousins?." You asked.

"Yeah i also like to know that!." Thomas growled. "How are they not cousins (M/n)!?...(y/n) is our daughter! and Travis is Kenneth's son!?." He yelled.

"How about we just put a fuckin muzzle on your wife Thomas!?." Kenneth shouted. "She's talking nonsense!."

You finally snapped freeing your hands from Travis and Sal's. "You lay a damn finger on my mother!?, I'll fuckin round house kick your sorry ass!."

"(Y/n) dear, plz stay out of it." Your mother pleaded.

"What!, no mom, I'm not gonna stay out of it. This is complete bullshit!."

"I agree with (y/n), this is completely nuts!, someone just say the fuckin truth already for fuck sakes!?."

"Travis...babe plz, just let them talk it through." Larry whispered into his ear.

"That goes for you to (y/n), just calm down."
Sal gripped your shoulder's tightly pulling you back towards him. Your back hitting against his chest.

"Everyone shut the fuck up!?, (M/n)! if you don't spill it now-...." Thomas threatens.

"Alright! Alright!,...Travis and (y/n) Arn't cousins!."

"there siblings!!." Mom finally announced.



{End of Chapter 12, i hoped ya'll like it, i know it sounds crazy but next chapter will explain it:3, i need some drama in my book!>:3} {Stay tuned for Chapter 13: The truth comes out}

Have a wonderful Evening/Night/Morning💜

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