~Chapter 9~ Larvis know's

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(A/n: here is chapter 9!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter!!)

"WHAT! your fuckin joking right!?, you can't be pregnant with Sal's fuckin child!?." Travis yelled.

"Travis calm down, we don't want the other's to hear." Larry said quietly.

The look on Travis's face was just filled with disappointment, his head shaking slightly in his hand's as he groans In frustration.

"I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill that blued haired son of bitch fisher!." Travis pulled out his phone flipping it open as he dialed Sal's number, you begin to panic snatching the phone from his hands. Which only made him more angrier.

"Travis! you can't call Sal!." You yelled.

"Why not! he need's to know an pay the consequence's about getting my Cousin pregnant!." He yelled back.

"I-i know,...but i can't. He'll probably end up running away an leaving me and our baby behind." Your worries begin to fill your mind  gently placing your hand on your stomach, Sal wouldn't actually run off...right?.

A hand was placed on your shoulder snapping you out of thought, you looked up seeing Larry smiling down at you showing off his tooth gap an a couple of his crooked white teeth, his smile made you feel a little bit better inside. You smiled back taking a long deep breath.

"Don't worry (y/n). I've known Sal since forever, he's to kind for this world to do such a thing if you ask me." Larry chuckled.

Travis scuffed. "Kind my ass! you remember what he did to me in freshman year!?, or did you forget!." Travis snapped slamming his ass down on your desk chair crossing his arms in hatred.

You narrowed your eye's in confusion wondering what Sal had done to Travis during high school, you turned to Larry wanting some answers but instead you see his arms was wrapped around his torso tightly as he started snickering loudly. You placed your hand on his shoulder giving it a tight squeeze.

"U-umm..Larry?, are you alright?."

Larry nodded his head rapidly finally letting out a loud hardy laugh. "Yeah! i'm fine, ohhh man you would of died laughing if you seen it. It was priceless!."

"Oh shove it up your ass Johnson! it wasn't funny!." Travis yelled his face burning in embarrassment.

"Oh come on trav, you got to admit it was a little bit." Larry continued to chuckle slightly.

Travis rolled his eye's slight anger filled them as he tapped his foot harshly on the wooden floor beneath him, his hands gripping on the arm rests leaning back slightly as he took a slow deep breath.

"(Y/n), i hate to bring this up but...does mom know about your pregnancy?." Travis asked.

You shook your head. "No,...she doesn't. And i don't know how to tell her."

"We'll you can't keep it from her, your her daughter she will understand." Larry ruffled your hair gently taking a cigarette out of his pocket. "Oh umm,...do you mind?."

"Knock yourself out lar." You smiled.

Larry lit up his cigarette inhaling the smoke into his lungs like it was his last, leaning his head on the wall behind him. You looked over at Travis who was still sitting at your desk with his head resting in his hand's, you noticed he was staring an old photograph that was nicely framed on top of your bookshelf. The photo was takin a couple years back on thanksgiving day with you an Travis sitting on the porch swing holding a cup of hot chocolate. Travis's mother took the picture that night before she oddly disappeared a week later, you sat next to him giving him a warm comforting smile.

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