~Chapter 13~ The truth comes out

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{A/n: All I gotta say, I'm hoping y'all are enjoying this book, I'm trying my best to make it enjoyable. I'm working on more stories at the moment as well, but will not be posting them until this an LarryXFemreader is finished. I will also like to say Thank you for 6k!^^} {Enjoy luvs💜}
{Gonna start with Travis's P.O.V.}

~Travis's P.O.V~

She's gotta be kidding me!, me and (y/n) can't possibly be siblings, there is no fuckin way that's true. I know for a fact aunt (M/n) isn't my mother, and Thomas isn't my father!..how the fuc-...then it hit me...maybe just maybe, my father and (y/n)'s mother...

Had an affair!?, making us...half-siblings?...i think.

My eye's landed on Thomas who looked like he was about to blow any second, the anger on his face was nothing compared with my father's, his face was filled with terror and frustration.

"It's the truth,...Thomas, (y/n) isn't your daughter. She's Kenneth's...along with Travis."
Auntie confessed, she was shaking in complete fear. I could see the sweat dripping down her forehead.

"No!!..not possible, i will not believe such a thing!?." Thomas yelled. "I will not!...(y/n) is my child!?. She has my last name!."

"I gave her you're last name so you wouldn't find out that i had an affair with your brother!!." Yet another confession slipping out her mouth without warning, making Thomas more pissed than he already was. Fuckin Christ on a stick! what the actual fuck is wrong with this family.

"Kenneth!...is this true?, did you sleep with my wife!?."

My father actually had absolute fear in his eye's, never in my entire life have i seen him so down right terrified before, standing like he isn't even there. He finally nods.

"It's true, i indeed slept with your wife, no doubt in my-...

A loud bone chilling crack shivered down my spine as uncle's fist connected to my father's jawbone, making him stumble backwards Holding it in pain, blood dripping down from his mouth like a waterfall.

It took a turn for the worst once they began to fight in the middle of the room where everyone could see, i wanted to interfere and break it up but Larry's hand was still gripping my shoulder tightly, i can't let this continue. For (y/n)'s sake.


Her hand was over her mouth like she was about to vomit, tears falling from her eye's to her cheeks, she can't be under any source of stress! not when she's carrying fisher's baby. My hands folded into fists, fingernails digging into my palms deeply. Heart thumping with adrenaline, this shit must come to an end, and the truth will come out, it has to...I'm sorry (y/n)...hate me all you want after this, you can't keep everything bottled up forever.

"That's enough!?." I shouted at the top
Of my lungs. "Both of you Arn't the only ones holding a damn secret in this household."

They both paused turning their heads towards me, breathing heavily from the fight, my father let go of Thomas's shirt. Slowly standing up to his feet. "What are you getting at boy?, who else is keeping a secret!?.

My throat was closed shut, it wouldn't come out, stuck in my throat like a pill that won't go down without water. I could feel my body shaking with horror, his arms crossing against his chest, those eye's never leaving mine until something slips from my lips. In the corner of my eye i could see (y/n) shaking her head. Her (e/c) filled with fear as tear's continued to fall.

My breath hitched, i looked away from her in shame, the feeling of betrayal doesn't feel right, it never has an it never will. You have every fuckin right to be mad at me for it, I'm doing this because i love you,...plus Fisher need's to know.

Please forgive me!.

~(y/n's P.o.v.)~

Travis wouldn't,...would he?, he would never spill anything like that, the pain in his eye's once he turned away from me in shame, feeling like he was betraying my trust. He shouldn't tell father anything, it's my responsibility. Not his. Not anyone's!.

Travis's lips parted, this feeling, it hurts. It hurts so bad seeing him do this to me...but he was right, i should of said something sooner. My mother and Sal need's to know the truth about this. You groaned in frustration, slightly gripping the black t-shirt you threw on not that long ago. Taking a deep breath, you finally shouted out the truth.


Nothing but silence took over, it felt good getting that off my shoulder's, but all eye's were on you now, still feeling a little bit of fear that raised inside you. The look on Ashley and maple's face, Larry looking completely shocked. Travis sighed with relief that he didn't say it. Todd and Neil's jaw dropped down the floor, and frankly chug slept through it all. No surprise there. But the look that you're mostly scared of right now...was on Sal. You couldn't really see his reaction due to his prosthetic.

"(Y/n) dear?, are you serious?." Your mother asked, you simply nodded.

"Yes mom, it's true....I'm sorry i haven't said anything sooner,...it's just...i-I'll explain everything later. I promise."

Without another word leaving her lips, she slowly walked up towards you. Her smile never leaving her face when she finally threw her arms around your shoulders bringing you into a tight embrace. "You don't have to explain anything darling, I'm just glad you're okay."

-A little time-skip bc I'm lazy-

After everything had settled down, Ashley and Travis brought you a warm blanket and some tea, they both sat next to you with worried looks on their face's.

"How do you feel (y/n)?, are you okay?." Travis asked.

"I'm fine, for now." You looked up seeing Larry and Sal talking in the kitchen. "He hates me...for not telling him."

"The best thing you can do is just talk it out with him,...you're almost a week pregnant right?." Ash smiled.

You nodded. "Yeah,...i think so, it feels longer than that though." You took a sip of your tea.

Ashely chuckled. "it may feel like it, but you're very strong (y/n), we're here for you."

You smiled brightly, happy to know that you have friends and family that had your back during this whole thing, an not have to go through it alone. Both Travis and Ashley stood by you almost the entire day until you were fully ready to talk to Sal. You finished the rest of your tea placing it on the coffee table gently. "I'm ready."

"You got this." Travis smiled.

You pulled the blanket off your lap, standing up slowly from the couch, you felt calm and relaxed. With a little bit of guilt obviously. Taking one good final deep breath, you made your way to Sal. His electric blue hair tied up in a low bun with some long haired pieces sticking out in front, he looked stressed and frustrated awhile talking to Larry. Sal sighed finally noticing your presence, his blue eye's staring into you. You looked away slightly tapping your heels on the ground below you.

"Sal?,...can we talk?."

Sal looked over at Larry, Larry knew what that meant as he grabbed his unopened beverage from the countertop taking a couple steps back until he was fully in the living room. Your attention went back to Sal, his arms crossed against his chest as he parted his lips. His deep voice sending shivers up your spine.

"Sure,...let's talk."

{End of chapter 13, sorry if it looks a little bit rushed.:/ I ran out of ideas. I'm hoping u all are enjoying this book. It's nothing too special but I'm trying my best. Stay tuned for Chapter 14: A talk W/ Sal}

Have a wonderful Evening/Night/Morning💜

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