~Chapter 16~ The end of Sal and Tanya?

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{A/N: A little up coming talk!, i do not like cheaters!, i am against it, putting it out there. I just need some drama, but for ya'll cheating is horrible, it hurts, feels like you're heart is getting stabbed and betrayed by the one you once loved. But don't worry, happiness will come to you again. You will heal😊 Enjoy this chapter luvs}

{Sal's Pov}

Was sending that message to (y/n) a good idea?, my mind in sorrow as my brain pound's with too much thought, it hurt's too much too even think. At this moment i just wanna throw myself off a bridge, and forget everything that has happened in the past month.

I fished my phone out of my back pocket pulling up (y/n)'s messages, looking back we did become close, and I'm a total dick for hurting her, i don't blame her if she hates me with a passion, i would hate me too. A beautiful angel like her deserves to be treated with such love and attention.

The sound of footsteps inturrupted my day dream seeing tanya walking downstairs in her blue tight dress and black heels, holding a little makeup mirror in hand, checking to make sure nothing isn't misplaced. This was her third time this week going out with friend's, it's beginning to piss me off if you ask me.

"Going somewhere?....again?."

Tanya looked up seeing me sitting on the couch with my arm's crossed against my chest, stuffing her small mirror in her purse like everything is fine.

"Yes actually, today's my bestie's birthday, i have to be there for her of course." She smiled, pushing her hair behind her shoulder's like a damn goddess.

I'm staring to develop such none existing feelings towards her, but goddamn it her beauty pulls me right back in, this can't continue on like this, maybe it's time to end things. For (y/n)...and our child. I stood up from the couch clearing my throat, running my hand through my hair. This isn't gonna be good.

"Look Tanya,...we need to talk."

Tanya sighs. "Sal, i don't have time to talk right now, can't this wait until tonight?."

She sounds irritated, her fingertips typing on her phone quickly, I'm beginning to lose my patience with her. I need to stand my ground against her. Without even a second thought i grabbed her phone swiping it from her hand's, crushing it with every strength i had, piece's falling escaping my grip as it shatters on the ground below.

"This will not wait!, you will listen, do you understand me!?." I finally snapped.

Feeling my blood boil with rage, this is probably what Larry and the other's felt towards me when i walked out on (y/n), i think i understand now. He was right, everyone was right, so does this make me....a bastard?.

The look on tanya's face looked shocked, something she didn't expect me to do at all, or even lose my temper, it was kinda of a big shock for me as well. I usually don't get angry about the little things, but at least i got her attention. Hopefully she will listen and understand.

"...Like i said, we need to talk."

"Y-..you just broke my phone,...are you fuckin kidding me!."

And she's pissed. Way to go sal.

"I'll buy you a new phone, but can you at least listen to me, for once?."

Tanya rolled her eye's, her hands on her hips. "Fine, what do you want."

I parted my lips, but nothing came out, this was gonna be a little difficult then i thought. Shifting my weight a little, taking deep breathes, i grabbed her hand's holding them tightly in mine.

"Tanya?, i think it's best if we....see other people."

Oh the horror and the anger in her eye's once i said those words, she was literally fuming with rage, her nails digging into my hands making me hiss in pain. Tears were actually streaming down her cheeks. And i didn't even tell her the other reason yet.

"You're breaking up with me!?,..you can't do this to me!."

She scuffed releasing my hands from her's, i know she's hurting right now, but she's gonna feel more worse. I already feel bad then i already do right now.

"Look i know you're hurting, but i have to come clean on something,...i cheated on you."

"Y-you what?...your joking right?."

I shook my head slowly, so she knows I'm not bullshitting her, and that I'm being completely honest.

"I'm not joking around, but that's not the reason why..i-i mean i feel bad about cheating! i know it's wrong but,....i got (y/n) pregnant!."

The words finally left my lips, looking away as my heart pounding against my chest rapidly, it felt like a weight lifting off my shoulder's. But i still had a strong feeling that Tanya was gonna blow any second. I turned my attention back to her, she was biting the inside of her cheek, her eye was twitching uncontrollably.

"You got some nerve's fisher!." She snapped, poking her finger against my chest, her yelling and pacing back an forth around the room was like watching a lion scull her child, i think that makes sense?. Does it?. But it lasted for about an hour. And once it ended everything went quiet, her hair was covering her face completely, i wanted to apologize over an over again, but that's probably no help anymore.

I reached out my hand, placing it on her arm, trying to comfort her. "Tanya?...are yo-.."

Nothing was heard besides her hand making contact with my face, the loud slap echoed around the room. Knocking my prosthetic almost clean off, since the bottom buckle wasn't strapped on. I deserved that.

Her movement's were sloppy like she couldn't stand on her own two feet, i noticed her body was shaking, mostly her legs. She wobbled slowly over to the coat rack grabbing her purse, throwing it over her shoulder, placing her hand on the doorknob turning it as the door opened. She looked over at me for the last time before leaving the house.

I stood there, doing absolutely nothing, here i was feeling aggravated at her an hoping she would leave me alone, but now feeling horrible on what i did. I cussed underneath my breath running my hand through my hair, pulling out my phone the second time, i pulled up Larry's number pressing the call button. Hoping he would answer. It rang a couple times before hearing a scruffy, tired voice on the other line.

"Larry?...it's sal, i think I've made an improvement."
{End of chapter 16, hope ya'll liked it, next chapter will be much longer, sorry if it seems a little short😅 but hopefully u will all stick around for more chapters, ik it's not the best but i try my hardest to make it enjoyable😁, Stay tuned for chapter 17: Travis and Larry.} {Another thing!, i wanna wish a happy birthday to one of my supporters😊, hope u liked it!}

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