~Chapter 10~ Get together

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(A/n: This chapter may contain underage drinking and a bit of spice🔥, if you are not comfortable then skip!. Enjoy)

You smiled saving Sal's number in your contacts before texting him back.

-Text to 💙Sal

Sal💙: "Hey (y/n) it's Sal,...are you up?."
{message sent at 4:30Am}

You: "Yes I'm up, what's up Sal?."
{message delivered at 4:32Am}

Sal💙: "Just wanted to talk, what are you up too?."
{message sent at: 4:32Am}

You: "Nothing really since maple&Ash passed out on me."
{Message delivered at 4:34Am}

Sal💙: "Ahh i see, so your slumber party was a success?."
{message sent at 4:35Am}

You: "of course, until Larry&Travis showed up that is."
{message Delivered at 4:37Am}

Sal💙: "wait...what? Larry&Travis is there?."
{message sent at 4:37Am}

You: "Well yes unfortunately, they stopped by since i texted Travis to come over."
{message delivered at 4:39Am}

Sal💙:"About what?, if you don't mind me asking?." {message sent at 4:40Am}

You sighed staring at the message that Sal had sent you, you hesitated debating if you should text back or not. You sighed turning off your phone sliding it in your pocket awhile walking upstairs thinking about getting ready for bed. You took your phone from your pocket laying it down on your nightstand as you looked threw your dresser, you took out some shorts an a nice long T-shirt to go with it slipping into the comfy clothes. Once dressed you tossed yourself onto your bed snuggling into the blankets comfortably, not to long after your eyes started feeling heavy. Finally drifting off to sleep.

-The Next morning-

"Travis!! don't rattle the handle so much!, she'll hear us!."

"Really? the only person she would be hearing is you Ash!, since you have a big mouth that won't stay shut!."

"Okay, rude!."

"Both of you shut it!, why are we even by her bedroom door?." Larry whispered loudly.

"It's 10:30 in the morning, that's late."

"Travis? that's not late, it's still kinda early."

"Early my ass! she's usually up by this time." Travis snapped.

Your eye's twitched open hearing the voice's outside your bedroom door, you tiredly tossed the warm blanket off you making your way towards the door. placing your ear slightly against it mostly hearing Ashley an Travis arguing.

"Okay travis we get it!, but let her sleep a little longer." Ashely said quietly.

"Not gonna happen!." Travis replied as he fiddled with the handle more.

"Dude! she need's the rest anyways, you know the condition she's in?. Or did you forget?."

The rattling of the door henge stop as the word's left Ashely's mouth, she was right. You placed your hand on top of your stomach rubbing it gently, you still haven't told the news to Sal. It's just like Travis said he's gonna have to know eventually, can't keep it a secret forever. Yelling continued behind the door snapping you out of your little trance. You rolled your eye's grabbing the handle tightly twisting it harshly as the door flew open. You could see Travis, Ashley, maple, and Larry gathered by the door. Your eyes narrowed as you placed your hands on your hips glaring at them.

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