//A Christmas Special!!//

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It was December 24th a day before Christmas as you Ashley&Maple was in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner awhile the boys decided to put the tree together, it's just that time of year again to be around family&friend's watching the snow fall softly awhile drinking hot coco by the warm fireplace. You sighed wiping your forehead with a napkin, taking a sip of your hot beverage.

"The ham will be done in an hour." Ashley smiled. "The tree looks great Boys!, good work."

"This is like the most hardest thing i have ever done in my life!." Larry grunted as he put the last peice of the tree together.

"You're joking right? don't you help mom put the Christmas tree up at home?." Sal asked.

"Well...obviously yeah, but her tree at home isn't this big!." Larry let out another grunt as he fell back into the couch.

"That's something, good to know that my boyfriend is lazy as hell!." Travis smirked carrying two boxes of ornament's from the basement placed them down gently next to the tree.

"Hey!!, you're suppose to be on my side!, not against me." Larry huffed crossing his arms.

Travis rolled his eye's. "Oh lighten up Larry i was only kidding!, now get off your ass and help me decorate the tree."

You giggled slightly seeing how demanding Travis can be at times, he can be sweet and caring when he wants to be. But it's very rare seeing that soft side of his.

"(Y/n)?, how are those ham roll ups coming along?." Maple asked snapping you out of thought.

"Oh!...sorry maple, i sorta got sidetracked, i hope they look okay." You chuckled nervously showing her the prepared food you made.

"They look perfect (y/n)." Maple smiled.

A couple of minutes later there was a slight knock on the door, Sal got up from the couch making his way up to open it, as the door flew open there stood Todd an his boyfriend Neil holding bags of gifts and a fresh batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Behind them was Lisa and Henry.

"Hey guys, smell's great in here." Henry said hanging his coat on the hanger.

"Sorry we're so late! the snow is really coming down hard." Lisa sighed taking off her coat. "You girls need help?." She asked walking in the kitchen.

"The traffic is also horrendous tonight!." Todd sighed handing the plate to Sal.

"Merry Christmas everyone! we brought gifts!." Neil cheered as he came through the door last.

You smiled. "Just place them underneath the tree Neil, dinner will be done shortly." You smiled.

Neil nodded as he placed the bag of gifts underneath the tree. "Yo! the tree looks amazing, who decorated it?."

"Larry and Travis did, they went out for a quick smoke if you wanna go say hi." Sal said as he plugged in the tree.

"Alrighty, i will be back then." Neil gave Todd a peck on the lips as he made his way into the backyard where Travis and Larry was at.

Ashley grabs the oven mitts hanging from the stove finally taking the ham out of the oven setting it on the countertop carefully as she dribbles some syrup on top.

"Ohhh that smells amazing Ash!." Lisa smiled placing her hand on Ashley's shoulder.

Ashley giggled. "Thank you Mrs. Johnson!." Ash turned her head towards Sal. "Sally?, can you let the boys know that dinner is finally ready?." Ash asked.

"Sure thing Ash." Sal got off the couch once more walking up to the back door as he slid it open. "DINNER'S READY!!!." Sal yelled.

"Leave it to Sal to call the boys." Henry chuckled taking a sip of hot coffee making the rest of us laugh.
     ~A little time skip~

A little bit after dinner we decided to open presents, we gathered around the tree as Ash handed them out.

"Alright! first gift goes too....Travis." Ash smiled. "It's from (y/n)."

Travis took the gift from Ashley as he unwrapped it, inside the box was a picture frame of him an his mother. His eye's filled with tears. "H-how did you-...."

"I had that photo for years, thought you might want it, so i framed it." You smiled.

Travis wiped the tears from his eyes as he nodded. "I-..I love it, thanks (y/n)."

"Alright next gift." Ash announced as she reached for another present. "Second gift goes too....Sal, it's from Larry."

Sal took the gift from Ash as he opened it. Inside was a new guitar pick an a hoodie with the Sanity's fall logo. "Fuckin sick!, thanks Larry!." Sal cheered tossing the hoodie over his head.

Larry chuckled. "No problem man, glad u like it."

"Alright next." She grabbed another present handing it to (y/n). "This one's from Sal." She smirked.

You blushed slightly as you took the present from Ashley, you gently ripped the wrapping paper off as you opened the box. It was a tiny box so u carefully took the lid off, inside was a beautiful neckless with your name on it. Your eyes widen taking it out of the box.

"O-oh wow...it's beautiful, thanks sal."

Sal rubbed the back of his neck gently as he cleared his throat. "Y-you're welcome (y/n),...glad u adore it."

The night went on with much laughter and joy as Ash and maple decided to surprise you with one more little gift, they giggled as Ash clears her throat.

"(Y/n)? we have one more gift for you and Sal, do u mind if you guy's go get it?."

You nodded. "Of course Ash, where is it?."

"By the door." Ash& maple continues to giggle.

You and Sal narrowed your eyes slightly at there suspicious giggling as you both got up from the couch making your way towards the door. looking around carefully but no gift was there, Sal hummed in confusion. "Umm....Ash?, it isn't over here?." He told her.

You turned around noticing everyone was now giggling along with Ash and maple with there phones in hand, you were confused at first until Sal looked up, his face burned with embarrassment as he tapped on your shoulder. He then pointed up.

"W-we're...standing under a mistletoe." Sal chuckled.

You gulped. "W-what!?..." You looked up seeing the mistletoe hanging above you and Sal. Your heart beat sped up quickly.

"Come on!, kiss already!!." Travis yelled taking multiple pictures.

"Go on and kiss the girl!!~." Todd and Neil singed in perfect harmony making everyone in the room laugh.

Sal sighed unbuckling his bottom strap as he moved his prosthetic over a couple inches away from his face, showing his scared lips underneath. He placed his soft cold hand on your cheek leaning in softly, his lips meeting yours in a sweet tender kiss. The sound of pictures being taken with a couple of "Aww's here and there. Sal finally breaks the kiss with a warm soft smile.

"Merry Christmas (y/n)~." Sal chuckled leaning in for another loving kiss.
{A/n: Hope u all enjoyed this little Christmas Special chapter!!, sorry if it sounds rushed😅 or sounds bad. Anyways! Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!🎉}

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