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Chapter 11 - Breaking Rules to Achieve One's Goals

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Chapter 11 - Breaking Rules to Achieve One's Goals


Mia - Tuesday 6:59 AM

I haven't slept a wink since I got home. I tried in vain to explain to my parents what I saw, but I couldn't convince them. I only had time to take a photo of the top before the forensic team took it away for examination. The events of last night keep replaying in my mind. The conversation with the police chief is still fresh.

"You wanted evidence, something concrete. Well, here it is," he said. His blue eyes seemed to shoot sparks, and his dark circles made him even more menacing than usual. "Are you sure it's the top Cara was wearing?" I heard that question at least three times, and I always had the same answer, "Yes, I'm certain. I have photos of her on my phone wearing it." "Are you sure you heard her scream that night?"

"Yes, damn it, and I'm not the only one. Ask Austin Coopler; he was there too." I can see him running his hand through his graying hair for the umpteenth time. He sighs loudly and continues with his stupid questions.

"Did you see Mr. Ward that night?"

"No, but just earlier in the car, right before I found the clothing in front of his house. Is he here? Tell me you caught him."

The rest of the conversation makes me boil with rage just thinking about it.

"It's impossible that you saw him, Mia."

"Excuse me?"

"He was there all night. With me. For a meeting." I widen my eyes, and as he keeps talking, he deliberately avoids my gaze. "He also has an alibi for the night of your friend's presumed disappearance. If she's really in danger, her father has nothing to do with it."

"Alibi? What alibi?" He takes out his phone and shows me an interview. "it was filmed on the same evening off the island. At 9:30 PM. He wouldn't have had time to get back in time according to your timeline."

"No, no, no... It's impossible!"

"Mia, calm down."

"Everything adds up. Why would he lie by saying she was sick if she had already disappeared? Why lie?"

"That part of the investigation is not your concern, Mia.But the only thing you need to know is that this is no longer a runaway case. It's a case of a concerning disappearance. Okay?"

"Who are the suspects?"

"Mia..." his eyes close briefly, and I know I won't get anything else from him. I can't believe it. He's a liar. Maybe he's involved himself. "Stop harassing Mr. Ward. I don't want him to start legal proceedings against you or your parents. If you want to find Cara, let me do my job."

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