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Chapter 21 "I Think It's the End"

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Chapter 21 "I Think It's the End"



Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? That moment just after waking up when your mind is awake but your body isn't. Being stuck in that state where none of your limbs cooperate anymore. That's exactly what I'm feeling right now. My mind is foggy, and I'm not quite sure where I am or what I was doing before being here, in this white room.

It's a hospital room, I believe. I'm in a bed, I suppose. I feel like I'm floating within my own body. Sounds of machines resonate in the deafening silence that surrounds me. My eyes slowly adjust to the light, but I can't move.

I feel a slight tingling in the tips of my fingers, and moving them requires an incredible effort. Once my hand is raised, I tackle each part of my body individually. Sensations gradually return as I move.

Breathing is difficult, and I feel like my stomach is trapped in a cage. I can only take quick breaths, and I try to sit up on my elbows without success. Suddenly, the noise of the machines becomes faster, and I see the door of my room open to reveal a nurse in uniform. She approaches my bed and places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"You should take it easy. Your body has undergone a lot of trauma." She hands me the small remote control placed on a table nearby and helps me raise the upper part of the bed.

"I'll inform your parents about your awakening, okay?" Her gaze is gentle, and I smile at her.

"Could you let my friend, Austin Coopler, know?"

"Oh, sweetheart, he's already here." She steps aside, and I notice him slouched in the chair on the left side of the room. He's asleep. My heart fills with a warm and overwhelming feeling in the best possible way. I couldn't describe what I'm feeling any better.

"Has he been here long?"

"He never left..."

She winks at me and, after asking about Cara and Eddie, who are doing well, she leaves the room, leaving me alone with Austin. According to the clock above the door, displaying the time and date, I've been sleeping for over three days. He has spent 72 hours in this room, waiting for me to wake up. I feel the surge of emotion as I gaze at his sleeping face.

He's in quite an uncomfortable position. I have the urge to get up and touch him, but the wires and tubes connected to my body prevent me from making any sudden movements.

"Austin?" I whisper several times, and his eyes open wide all of a sudden. He jumps out of his chair and looks around, confused. I can't help but laugh, which I regret immediately as my ribs ache. My smile turns into a grimace of pain, and Austin rushes to my bedside.

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