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Chapter 18 - There's nothing more frustrating than an incomplete puzzle

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Chapter 18 - There's nothing more frustrating than an incomplete puzzle


Mia - Sunday 12 PM

I open my eyes with difficulty, the sunlight blinding me. I came home late last night, and my body aches all over. My parents are supposed to return this morning, and I spent half the night cleaning for them. I dread their reactions to the mess. I hear a door slam, and I sit up abruptly in bed. My head spins. I think I have a fever.

"Mom?" My voice is hoarse, and I clear my throat while calling for my parents. She rushes into my room and throws herself into my arms. "Sweetie! Are you okay? Why didn't you call us? We would have come back immediately!" Her embrace, although comforting, suffocates me.

"Mom, I can't breathe anymore." She steps back and places her hand on my forehead. "You're burning up! You're having a fatigue crisis." She stands up and continues talking while rummaging in the bathroom for a wet towel.

"We saw the state of the window, Mia. You should have told us! It's very serious. I was going to wake you up anyway; the police are on their way to ask you some questions."

"WHAT?" I sit up so quickly out of my bed that my legs give out, and I collapse on the floor. I fall heavily onto the ground and exhale while staring at the ceiling. I could stay lying here as well. The police are coming, and I suppose the FBI too. I watched the replay of the profile they announced, and they agree with me. It's an abduction carried out by someone close to her. Her family, her friends, the entire town is suspicious.

So am I.

I close my eyes, and my parents rush into my room. "MIA!" My father quickly helps me up and sits me on my bed. "You look awful, sweetheart." My father, the king of tact, pushes a strand of hair away from my face, and my mother hands me a glass of water. "You need to eat something." As soon as I hear that sentence, my stomach growls so loudly that it creates a moment of silence in the room.

I slowly descend the stairs and sit at the kitchen table when I hear a knock on the door. Thankfully, I didn't sleep in an ugly pajama. I drape Austin's sweatshirt, which he had left from the other night, over my shoulders. I redo my bun just as the agents enter the room, accompanied by my parents. I stand up to greet them, but I feel unsteady, and one of the agents catches me by the arm. I sit back down, apologizing, "I'm sorry, I must have caught a cold. I don't feel well this morning." My mother invites the agents to sit, and I see Mr. Nick arrive. My gaze fills with hatred, and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Mia," he greets me, taking off his hat. I smile coldly at him and return the greeting. I refocus on the agents and see that the younger one, with long hair, has noticed my attitude towards the police officer. He furrows his eyebrows, and I lower my gaze, feeling ashamed. "Mrs. Carter, thank you for granting us some time to answer some questions regarding Cara Ward's disappearance." The one who spoke introduces himself as Agent Morgan, and the younger one as Agent Reid. I nod, but I can't help stealing glances at Mr. Nick standing next to my mother. His presence weighs on me.

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