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Chapter 15 - Doubt Sets In and Everything Falls Apart

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Chapter 15 - Doubt Sets In and Everything Falls Apart


Austin - Saturday, 2:37 AM

Mia's warm breath brushes against my chest.

She has finally managed to fall asleep. My hand is still lost in her hair as I watch her. I was so scared when I received her message.

Cara is no longer the only target; we need to find her before Mia disappears too. One thing is certain, after the events of last night, I'm not leaving Mia alone anymore. It's also unsettling to know that the person who attacked last night knew the Carter family's schedule well enough to know that her parents wouldn't be home this weekend. I think back to the rat in front of the front door and I get up slowly.

I place Mia on her pillow and pull the blanket up to her shoulders. She stirs a little, but her eyes remain closed. I run my hand over her cheek and lean in to give her a kiss. She mumbles something inaudible, and I reluctantly pull away from her so as not to wake her up.

After going downstairs and cleaning up the scene in front of the house, I double-check that all the doors and windows are locked and go back up to the bedroom. It's not how I would have imagined it. Mia's room is predominantly green and blue.

The walls are lined with shelves and books. I run my fingers over the spines of her books. She also has a collection of snow globes from different countries. The room has an organized mess to it. There are many things, but everything seems to have its place. I pick up a frame where I recognize the entire group. The photo was taken on the last day of classes last year. Everyone is present, including me. I am at the end of the row next to Max and Ethan, who has his arm around Cara's waist. Heather and Mia are also there. Allison blows a kiss to the camera and to Jace, who took the photo.

Everyone looks united. A group of friends since childhood. We all look perfect together. Who would have guessed that a few months later, one of us would disappear? I inspect Cara's face more closely, searching for something behind her smile that could tell me more about what's to come. A sign, anything. But she looks happy in Ethan's arms, smiling broadly at the camera.

She simply disappeared. No clues, no witnesses, nothing. I think back to her scream that Mia and I heard about 13 days ago.

I still remember the chilling shivers that ran through me at that moment. That scream wasn't normal. I turn to Mia, who is still asleep.

I can't imagine what she must be feeling. She must be just as helpless as me in the face of her best friend's disappearance and the threats that seem to be getting closer and closer to her. My legs are sore, and my eyes are heavy.

I finally drag myself to the bed and take my place again. I hear Mia groaning in her sleep, but as soon as I lie on my back, she snuggles up against me again. I wrap my arms around her and synchronize my breathing with hers. She lulls me, and I close my eyes, knowing she's safe with me.

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