Chapter Seven

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You may be one person to the world but you may also be the world to one person.  ~ Audrey Hepburn

I almost got raped!

Surprised right?

Yeah sure why not,I was frustrated with him. Dax had gone for a party one day and got drunk,I had to go pick him up. I was angry at him but still I went with Nia. Nia had a crush on one of Dax's friend Zahid who happens to be Islamic but that didn't seem to bother her. We both arrived but I got stopped by some guy upfront and I asked Nia to ride on and get them home.

I was foolish.

I listened to what every girl was used to hearing. Nia had already picked them and they decided to head out. I told the guy that I had to escort them safely home. I was crashing at Dax's place obviously.

He escorted me to the cab and when I was to enter he pulled me out and waved my friends that I would be joining soon. Nia couldn't say anything much cause she was in the middle of two boys.

The party wasn't far from where we stayed but I know it would be hard handling them if we walked. He offered me to come inside his place which was opposite where the party was and I agreed. Stupid of me,we sat and talked. He asked me out and I told him that I was gonna think about it but he refused and insisted that I answered him.

“I could make you fall in love with me in a minute” he said,I scoffed.

His eyes where staring at my lips and immediately I knew what he wanted to do. I folded my lips into my mouth,getting up to leave.

He pushed me down.

Forcefully trying to kiss me,my lips where still inside my mouth but he tried dragging it out with his teeth. I struggled hard,we wrestled each other. His phone falling did not affect him. I finally got to release my self ,running I grabbed the only thing I could find.

A knife.

I pointed it at him and asked him to open the door but he didn't seem shaken,I could tell he was drunk. He said only if I dropped the knife and I did.

Foolish yet again.

He began walking forward with the knife pointing towards me. I screamed and told him that I was afraid of point object,to which he listened and went to drop the knife. I ran toward the door to open it but it wasn't opening,he came back outside,the knife in his hand.

I freaked out.

This wasn't some freaking movie,I went to the window and screamed loud hoping someone would hear but the party was a good distraction. He finally opened the door.

I ran,I cried and made sure to not look back.


“Hey Zen” a woman called out.

“Evening, Mrs harper” Zen replied smiling.

“Your friends already arrived, you could make your order before settling down” Mrs Harper told her.

“Just the usual with extra fries” Zen replied sheepishly.

Walking over her friends who were busy engaged in a discussion.
“sorry I'm late ” she said immediately.

“No worries,we've adapted to your timing ” Kay replied and the rest nodded.

“.....but just in time for you to hear what Kay has to say” Nia replied.

She has been out for a while due to work and also visiting her long distance boyfriend. She is a writer and Editor. The calm looking but short tempered friend of Zen. She is also skilled in martial art but would have probably reduced a little after always being choked up with work.

Turning towards Kay who now has all the attention. Clearing his throat,he smiled. “ what the f**k Kay,spill the bean already ”Gem said almost annoyed. “ we broke up” he said hurriedly, like he was eating hot yam.

“ha... ha..ha!” I burst into a fist of laughter,giving him an ‘I told you so’ look. “ it's not funny Zen” He stated. Kay had been dating some guy he met at the club three months ago,the guy was cute and okay but Zen had warned him basically about the fact that they met at a club. Not that it's bad but it does rub off good.
Looking at the others,they were letting out a stifled laughter.

Hearing a clearing of throat,they all looked up to see Mrs Harper and a waiter behind her. She dropped Zen’s Food together with the others. When the waiter left,Mrs Harper turned to Kay.
“I never knew you were gonna breakup so soon” she said smiling as she dropped the drinks on the table.

“it just happened ”he said rubbing the back of his neck,something he does when he's embarrassed. “you're hot so you'll be in a relationship anytime soon ”she finished,walking off.

“ It's nothing to be embarrassed about” Gem assured. “its better than being celibate like Zen” Nia said and they all burst into laughter,now it was Zen's turn to go all red.

“I'm not celibate,just not interested ”she argued.

“You still love him” Nia said

“i don't ” she declared

“You miss him,it's quite the reason why you shone every other guy that comes your way” Kay joined in.

“He would never be the reason, I just don't wanna go into another relationship with someone I obviously don't like,I'm not Nia”
she fired back

“hey! Why bring me into this” Nia asked

“I'm sorry,just on the edge” Zen replied looking at Gem who hasn't been talking.

“what?” Gem said as she continued eating.
“can't you help out here?”she asked

“they're kinda right you know” Gem

“not you again ”she groaned

“can you get a boyfriend before your birthday? ”she asked

“of course I can but this isn't about me today is it. ” Zen said looking at Kay

“don't change the topic Zen, Gem is right,get a boyfriend before your birthday” Kay said

“500$”Nia started

“I'll make it 1500$”Gem followed

“ we are not betting on that” Zen said

“$2000”Kay finished.

“You're my friends for god sake” she was contemplating.

“I'm broke really... And jobless too” she kept making excuses

“really Zen? How sure are we that you  ain't circumcised?”Gem argued

“Fine” she gave up.

Gem knew quite well how she hated being called a man,unromantic or circumcised. She started asking her ever since Zen had told her a guy she met at a cafe asked her that after a discussion she had with him. It really did make Gem suspicious, she hadn't really thought that far.

“can we focus on our food now?” Zen asked

“yeah sure ”they all murmured individually, not wanting any more argument but to enjoy Kay's quitting party.
“ma'am can we get more drinks” Nia shouted and they all laughed.
Fried chicken and beer was really the best to eat as they all talked about their day.

Well... Zen was more of a listener as she was doing nothing,except....

Hello everyone ❇
Hope this chapter gives you a little view of Zendaya's past.

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