Chapter Eight

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In a bet, a darer is a FOOL and the doer is the bigger FOOL ~ Unknown

Under the darkness of the sky,filled with the star shinning upon them. A question which was much shocking to the person asking.
“who am I to you” came the females voice.

“what to you mean?”replied the male

“I mean,we both fully are aware of our friendship but it relatively does not feel like that ”she continued.

“ if we are friends,let me know so I begin to act like it and if we are something else please also let me know” looking at the male for any response.

“I don't know what to say right now,I wasn't expecting these questions ”he said,
“I need to know. I want to close my heart and before that I need your answer” She demanded.

“my head is in a mess right now” the male started,
‘ I wonder were this is going’ she thought,heart beating fast like she had just ran a mile. Her rationality fighting deeply before he said;
“ I think we should give each other space ”

Everything crashed,her heart broken,her mind went frozen for a while.
“” it came out as a whisper but she knew he heard.

“Yes,space. I'm in a turmoil of my own and I need to sort out some things” he explained.

She knew she was attracted to this man. No,she knew she liked him already. Not wanting to look weak,she nodded.

“okay?” she replied,unsure of what she wanted,as he stood up and took his leave.

Did she regret asking him?

Yes,because that was not the answer or result she had expected.

Laughing crazily, she turned off the recording she had started earlier without his knowledge.

She tried hard to hold back the tears craving to fall out.

Zen's POV

Enjoying the day with my friends was great,except the fact that I was being cornered by them when I spoke about Nick. Gem as usual teased me,I was happy meeting them but I was Jealous.
Jealous that they all had things to keep them occupied and also someone to lean on when tired. I don't know if I can cope or last long in any relationship.

My relationship with Dax was exactly four months and some days. We had started dating on the 18th of November and broke up on the 30th of march. It is so surprising that I still keep the date on my head.

I had agreed to this so called bet that Gem had put forward. I don't even have someone in mind right now. The only guy in my life was Kay and he is so out of the picture.



I can't in any way start a relationship with someone that I just met and does not seem to like me.

This is so crazy.

Returning home that night was tiring, Gem had offered to me a lift but I refused and decided to take a stroll,I needed to stretch my legs.

Immediately I got to the last step,I raised my head tiredly,only to see a man entering the newly occupied apartment. I got a glimpse of something that got my attention, his hair. The door closed immediately so I could not see it clearly. I was not wearing my glasses in this case, so I shrugged it off.

I dragged myself through the passage to get to my door,making sure to take a quick glance at my neighbour's door.

After being full from the outing, I  grabbed a Jug of water and a glass just in case I needed water at night. Dropping them both on the table,I took my phone to quickly text my mom that I would be coming over to see her and most especially sha-sha.

Freshening up,I slumped on the bed.
Looking at the plain ceiling, I thought to myself,was I some weird specie or was I asexual.
Many weird philosophies behind those questions came to my mind before sleep came to engulf me.

Interviewing the cast

Gemini Winston:-“What I think about Zen's relationship with Dax?”

Well to be Frank.....

I don't know.

“She was the one actually dating him and not him dating her” I heard that a lot from others and I'm sure she did too but honestly who fucking cares about what people think.

Zen isn't good with talking bout her emotions and all but I know she really liked him. Their relationship was filled with lack of communication, trust and they really didn't want to bring those walls down.

She would complain most about not understanding him but I think it was vice versa.
Dax was nonchalant or should I say ignorant about many things but ‘he was unromantic ’ like Zen would put it. Even if she did hide her emotions,I noticed the little things he did,made her heart skip every time.

I guess they were just perfect as friends.


Hello everyone,thanks for reading till this extent. please feel free to correct me of any error.

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