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When he dropped me off home it was nearly eight. I knew my mom was going to kill me so I had him drop me off down the road a little. When I got to the door I was literally terrified of what my mother would do. I walked into the door, she was sitting on the couch, she has a wide narrow grin, and I knew she was up to something. She said,

"Come sit down sweetie, I got a surprise for you."

I was kind of shocked. A surprise for me? Is she on drugs now? I go and sit on the couch. She still has that grin on her face she asked,

"So what is your boyfriend's name?"

Okay she has to be on drugs, why is she asking me about my boyfriend? I proceed to say,

"His name is Devin, why do you ask?"

She ignored my question and asked,

"Do you love him?"

What the actual fuck is going on right now? My drunken mom is asking me my boyfriend's name and asking if I love him... She has to be on drugs. So, I proceed to say,

"Yes, yes I do. He's everything I've always wanted."

She says,

"Is that so Nikki? Well you can kiss him goodbye."

She starts to get up, and I didn't know what she meant by that. She can't seriously make me stop seeing him. We go to the same school. She goes toward the door and when I look at the door, I notice there isn't a door knob. I was completely confused. She pulled a key from her pocket and locks it. She begins to say,

"You will never leave this house again, no door knob; there are bars on every single window too."

I didn't know what was going on. I was totally confused. Her locking me up? In this house? But what about school? I started to ask her, but it was like she read my mind because she said,

"I told the state I will homeschool you."

I didn't know what to think of all this. I got up and said,


She said angrily,

"Excuse me, I am your mother and I can do whatever I want!"

I yelled and said,


I started running to my room because I knew she was going to come after me. When I get to my room I slam it shut and went to reach for the lock, but there wasn't one, it was gone. She pushed the door open; I went down to the ground. She had a bat with her, and she started beating me with it, everywhere.

The next thing I knew I woke up, it was light out. I couldn't find my phone, she must have taken it. I was bleeding. I had cuts and bruises on my face. I wondered what time it was so I could somehow let Devin know I was trapped in here. All of a sudden I heard a knock at the door. I wondered if it was Devin, I ran out there. When I came around the corner, my mom was behind me and started holding my mouth shut with her hand. I tried to scream, but what I thought was her hand on my mouth was a cloth with something on it. I started feeling dizzy, my vision was fuzzy and I passed out. When I awoke I was on the couch. It was dark out. How long have I been out? I get up and stand to my feet, my mom was sitting at the kitchen table she said,

"It's about time you woke up; you have been sleeping for three days."

Three days, could I have really been sleeping for that long? Is Devin worried about me? Is Carlie worried about me? I begin to say,

"You're lying. What did you give me?"

She has a grin on her face and starts to say,

"Do I really have any reason to lie; I gave you a ton of GHB."

Wait, did she just say GHB? The date rape drug. I ask,


She has the widest grin on her face now, she says,

"I couldn't let you scream and let you little boyfriend know you were being held against your will, he would probably try to come save you, and I bet your hungry, I know I would be. Well I have to tell you something, you can only eat once a week on Tuesday and its Friday, so all well.

I run into my room and shut the door; she doesn't come in after me this time. What am I supposed to do? I can't even get out of these metal bars. I'm crying now, not knowing what to do. I go into my dresser drawer to search for my blades. Their nowhere in sight, she must have taken them. All of a sudden I hear a knock at my window and I jump. I saw it was only Devin though; I was so relieved to see him. I bend down to talk to him I whisper,

"My mother is keeping me a prisoner in here. HELP."

He saw the cuts and bruises on my face, he asked,

"Did she do that?"

I nod.

My door comes swinging open, it was my mom. She had the bat. She started hitting me with it she yells, "LEAVE OR SHE'LL KEEP GETTING HIT!"

Devin looked at me and mouthed,

"I'll be back."

And he disappeared; my mom kept hitting me though. Finally she walked in the living room. I heard her open up a bottle of alcohol. I didn't pass out this time; I only wished I did because my body is filled with pain. I sat there next to my bed crying. I hated my life so much, correction I hate my mother so much. She means nothing to me. I wish she would just die. I sat there crying for hours. It was light out now, my mom was sleeping, but I know she has the key on her or in the safe so I'm not even going to bother. If I get beat one more time I might not be so lucky. I heard a knock at my window and I knew it was Devin. That's why I haven't gone to sleep. I reach my hand through the window to touch him. He has a notebook so we don't make any sound, it said,

"Are you okay princess?"

I smiled and got up to find a notebook and marker. I wrote,

"I am now; you have to get me out of here."

He wrote back,

"Where is she now?"

I wrote,


He wrote back,

"Okay baby I need you to inject her with this needle, it's something that will put her out within five seconds."

He hands me the needle, and I nod my head. My mother was sleeping on the couch and I was terrified. What if she wakes up before I can inject her? She'll beat me to death. Literally. I'm in front of her now, I lean down and jab it in her neck and push it down. She woke up, I back up and I tripped on the glass coffee table and fell through it. I'm covered with glass, I think I'm bleeding. But I don't care, she's passed out now. I push myself up and walk toward my room, when I get in the room Devin is already inside, he sawed through the window bars. I put my arms over his neck and hug him, he puts his hands on my hips and tightens his grip and picks me up. I'm crying, but their more happy tears than anything. He puts me down and kisses me, than he picks me up like a mother picks up their baby and he takes me out the window. He carries me out to his car, it was cold outside, and the sunrise was so beautiful I was so grateful to see it again. When he got in the car he turns to me and leans in to whisper,

"Your safe now princess."

I lean in even more and kiss him; his lips were soft because he was addicted to Chap Stick, as was I. He held me close; his hands were gripping onto my hips. His hands were cold as ice, I was shaking and he realized, he took of his black leather jacket and put it over my shoulders. He started the car and we were off.

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