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I then said,
"You are not my fucking father."

And put my foot on the knife and pushed it in. I then walked to the closet and grabbed Cadence. I walked down stairs, I lied Cadence down in her car seat and walked over to Devin and kneeled down, I grabbed his hand, he was ice cold but still breathing, I then said,

"He's dead, I killed him."

Devin then put his bloody hand on my cheek and said,

"If anything happens to me remember I love you with all my heart, you are the only woman for me."
I stated crying and said,

"No! Don't say that Devin, you're going to make it."
I grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed nine one one.

When the cops and ambulance got there Devin's pulse was really low. They then told me that I needed to be seen by a doctor also, because I needed stitches, and have to make sure no nerve damage or anything happened when I was pushed off the balcony. I agreed, Cadence was sent to an emergency nursery until me and Devin would be okay. When we got to the hospital they gave me several stitches all in different places. After I asked one of the nurses,

"Can I see my husband please?"
She then said,

"I'm sorry but for one you can't because we still have to do some more test, and because he is in intensive care, and until he's stable no one will be able to see him."

I then said,

"You have to let..."
I started feeling light headed, I could feel my heart beat ever so fast, the nurse rushed over to me, I could hear her saying something, but I couldn't hear her clearly. She then started shouted at me so I could hear,

I blinked my eyes; she laid me back on the bed, and started putting a light in my eye. I then knocked it out of her hand because it was hurting my head. I could then hear her say,

"Nichole, can you hear me now?"

My head didn't feel light headed anymore, and my heart wasn't beating fast. I then said,

She then asked,

"What happened Nichole?"

I then said,

"Nothing... I was just in shock. I'm fine, it was nothing."

She then asked,

"Are you sure? That didn't seem like nothing."
I then said,

"Yes, can I please see my husband?"
She then said,

"I'm sorry; I can't allow you to do that."
I then asked,

"Can I please talk to the doctor?"
She then said,

"I'll go get him, just give me a moment."
She walked off. I wasn't going to wait till they got back, I got up and look out the door to see if she was still out there, the coast was clear. I then walked down the hall and followed the signs to the ICU. When I found it I looked in every door to see if I could see him. I looked through almost every door and was not able to find him. Finally I reached the last door, and saw him in there. I immediately opened the door and sat next to his bed. I grabbed his hand, his eyes opened, he smiled I then said,

"Don't speak, just listen."

I was crying now, it was UN bearable to see him like this. He was hooked up to so many machines; he had a tube in his mouth also. I then said,

"You're going to make it; we are going to spend the rest of our lives together, Cadence, you, and me. We are going to watch Cadence grow up, we are going to watch her get married, and have kids. Devin you're going to make it, you are strong, and you are a fighter."

I was crying a lot more now, I couldn't stop thinking how this was my fault. If I listened to him and stayed away from my dad then this wouldn't have happened. I then said,

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you about my dad Devin, this is my entire fault."
He couldn't say anything, but he shook his head, he was gripping my hand tighter than ever. Suddenly the door opened, it was the nurse. She then said,

"What are you doing? I told you that you couldn't be in here. You have to understand that he is in critical condition."

I then said,

"I'm sorry I'm not leaving. My husband needs me."
She then said,

"Very well then, but you can't talk to him. I'll be in the room the whole time also."
I then said,

"That is all okay, thank you so much!"

I then sat down and grabbed Devin's hand again.

I was in the ICU with Devin for almost ten hours when the nurse said,

"You need to go home and get some sleep, I'll stay here with him, and if anything goes down I'll call you."
I then nodded my head and walked out of the room. When I got out to the waiting room I saw Trinity waiting in line to talk to someone. When she saw me she stepped out of line and asked,

"What the fuck happened, all of our family showed up to your house and said it was trashed. So, I came here to see if you guys were here. Why are you crying?"
I then just hugged her, when I broke us apart I said,

"I'm sorry, I need that."
She then asked,

"What happened?"
I then said,

"My dad showed up at our house last night to congratulate, and see Cadence. When he got inside I asked if he wanted anything to drink, and he said cranberry juice, I told him we didn't have any, but Devin said he had to run out to run some errands so he would just get the juice while he's out. Well when he left I got a call from my mom and she said he was dangerous, my phone went dead so I couldn't keep talking to her, but then suddenly the power went out and I knew my mom was telling the truth. I went and hid Cadence, when I walked back into my room he attacked me, he ended up pushing me down the balcony of the stair, and pulling me up by my hair and was trying to rape me. But, Devin jumped through the window to save me. They were fighting, my dad was choking him and I hit him with something and Devin went back after him. Finally I remembered Devin kept a gun in a safe in the living room, I threw it to Devin, but my dad kicked it out of his hands and ended up getting it and pulling it to me head... Then he pointed it at Devin and told me to strip or he'll shoot Devin. So, of course I began to strip, but Devin charged after him and my dad shot him in the chest. I then took a butchers knife and killed my dad."
She was starting to cry and asked,

"Is Devin okay?"
I then said,

"He's in the ICU. They're not letting anyone see him."
Trinity then started hugging me. When I broke us apart I said,

"I'm so sorry..."
She then asked,

"Why? This isn't your fault."
I then said,

"Devin kept telling me he didn't trust my dad. But, I wouldn't listen to him."
I was crying more than ever, Trinity then said,

"This is not your fault, trust me if my dad came into my life and my husband didn't trust him I would have don't the same thing. Now, do you need a ride? You could come to my house get some rest; I don't think you would want to go back to your house."
I nodded my head, she put her arm around my shoulder to comfort me.

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