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"Could you just do you job and get the dress please?"
She nodded and walked away, Trinity then said,

"Don't listen to her Nikki. I know you and Devin will last. And nice choice of words."
I laughed and said,

"Well, she should be doing her job instead of giving me "Knowledge" And trust me I'm not listening to a word she says."

She laughed, the lady came back and handed me the dress and said,

"Sweetie I hope you just listen to my little piece of knowledge."
I then said quickly so Trinity wouldn't cut me off,

"Lady, you can take your "Knowledge" and shove it up your ass, you don't know shit! Okay?"
The lady then said,

"Kids these days, no matters."

Trinity then said,

"Okay, let's just go try on the dress Nikki."

We walked to the dressing room, I then asked Trinity,

"Do you mind helping me put on the dress?"
She then said,

"Yes, of course. I just thought it would be awkward for you."
She stepped in, I got undressed while she UN zipped the dress. When I was done getting dressed, she came over to me and helped me get the dress on, it fitted perfectly, and it was beautiful. Trinity then said,

"You were right, it's perfect, and Devin is going to love it!"

I smiled and said,

"Thank you Trinity."

She smiled and asks,

"Any discomfort or anything?"
I then said,

"No, it's actually really comfortable; I also have high heels that would go perfectly with this."

She smiled and said,

"Okay, let's get this off of you so we can find a cute guarder."

I smiled and said,


We got it off and stepped out of the dressing room, Trinity then said,

"Let me do the talking with her, I don't want us to get kicked out of here before you can even buy the dress."

I nodded and the lady from before walked up to us and asked,

"Did it fit okay?"

Trinity then said,

"Yes, we will also be buying. We just have to look around to find a guarder."

The lady then rolled her eyes and said,

"Right this way, I'll show you where they're placed."

We walked to a small isle with promise rings. The lady then said,

"Maybe perhaps your boyfriend could get you one of these instead?"

I was about to go off on her, but suddenly Trinity said with anger,


The lady then shouted back,


Suddenly a lady that worked here walked over and asked,

"What is the problem?"
I then said,

"Your employee is being disrespectful with my decision making, and is pretty much harassing me about it."
The lady then said,

"Is this true Heather?"

Heather then said,

"Yes, but I was just trying..."
The lady cut her off by saying,

"I don't care what you were trying to do; I want you to meet me in my office. Now."

The lady nodded her head and walked off, the other lady then said,

"Could you ladies please just give me a moment to talk with her, she will be dealt with, so don't worry about that, I may even fire her, because I've had at least five completes against her this month alone."

Trinity then said,

"Yes, take your time. We'll just be looking around for her guarder."
The lady nodded her head and walked off. Suddenly my phone rang, it was Devin. I said to Trinity,

"I'll be right outside, Devin is calling me."

She nodded her head and said,

"Take your time."

I nodded and walked off, when I got outside I picked up the phone and said,


Devin then asked,

"How's everything going? Have you found a dress?"
I then said,

I wasn't mad at Devin for not telling me about him cutting; I was more hurt by it. We were getting married tomorrow, and he has never once told me. Devin then asked,

"Are you okay Nikki?"

I then said,

He then asked,

"Are you sure? If you are not ready to get married yet we don't have to."
I then said,

"No... That's not it. It's just... We have to talk when I get home. Okay?"
He then asked,

"What there to talk about?"

"Just... Stuff."
He then said,

"Stuff. That's it, that's all you got?"
I then said,

"Devin don't start please. I already have something big on my mind, I don't need another."
He then asked,

"What's on your mind?"
I just ignored him and asked,

"Did you make all the calls Devin?"
He then said,

"Why? Are you checking so we don't have to call everyone and cancel?"
I then asked,

"Really Devin? What are you talking about? You know I want to marry you more than anything."

He didn't say anything for a moment and finally he said,

"Then what do we have to talk about when you home? What's so big on your mind?"
I then said,

"Devin. It's not bad. I'm not mad at you in anyway. If anything I'm just hurt. And this will not affect the wedding in any way possible. Okay?"

He then said,

I then asked,

"So did you call everyone babe?"
He then said,

"Yea, my mom's catching a flight tonight. She'll be here around three thirty A.M. and my other relatives are driving in now, and they don't live that far away. So, you can sleep and I'll wait up for them."
I then said,

"No, you need your sleep baby. You always stay up with Cadence, let me stay up and wait for them."

He then said,

"We'll take turns okay?"
I then said,

"Okay, that works. But, I have to go babe. Love you!"

He then said,

"Okay baby, love you too."

I hung up the phone and walked inside.

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