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•Amani West•
(Christmas Eve)

🎶 Let it snow, Ooh let it snow🎶

🎶Outside it's cold, But the fire's blazin'🎶

🎶So, baby, Let it snow🎶

My mother's loud Christmas music woke me up out of my sleep. Yawning I grabbed my phone to check the time. I was met with a sleeping Kobi on my screen. It has started to become a habit for us to fall asleep on the phone. Instead of hanging up, I continued as if he wasn't there and checked my phone.

Getting up I left my phone on my bed and walked to the bathroom. I flicked the light on when I walked in and grabbed my toothbrush. Running it under hot water, I first squeezed toothpaste on it and placed the toothbrush in my mouth, brushing my teeth.

After I finished I walked back into my room and crawled back into my bed. I grabbed my phone to entertain myself and was now scrolling on TikTok.

I was trying to be quiet since Kobi was asleep on the phone, but Tiktok was extra funny right now. I snorted holding my laugh sending everything to Nija. I realized I still haven't watched the ones she sent me so I clicked on my TikTok dms. It showed that I had 21 unread messages from her.

"Dang girl," I said out loud shaking my head and clicking on our message thread preparing myself to watch this mini for you page she made for me. Since I was in a silly goofy mood this morning, every video was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Not being able to hold my laughter anymore I cackled at my phone.

"Whew," I said wiping my tears trying to catch my breath.

"Can you hush?" I heard Kobi's groggy voice come from my phone. I jumped at the sound of his voice clutching my heart.

"Oh my God, you scared me," I chuckled. "My bad I honestly forgot you were there. I'll be quiet,"

"I'm up na," He groaned lifting his arms and stretching. "Ion mind wakin' up to that anyway, even though you sound like a dyin' hyena." He said walking into the bathroom.

"Shut up, 'cause your laugh is worse," I teased him rolling my eyes. He laid the phone on the sink and I heard him lift the toilet seat. Not long after I heard his pee hit the water.

"I think we're supposed to be coming over to yours later," He told me flushing the toilet.

"Probably, I know we having company tonight so," I shrugged.

"You should sound more excited about seeing a nigga" He was washing his hands now.

"Who said I was excited to see you?" I asked him a smile forming on my face.

Bighead🥲 took a FaceTime photo (3)

"That lil smile right there tells me you excited to see me," He grinned at the camera. Rolling my eyes I moved out the camera.

"Stop taking pictures of me, I look a mess," I had my bonnet on and it was probably sliding off since I'd been laying on it.

"No, you don't, lemme see,"

I came back into the camera checking to see if my bonnet was sliding back, and sure enough it was.

"Never mind you do look a mess," Kobi said taking another picture. I laughed setting my phone up to fix my bonnet. Just then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said picking my phone back up. The door opened slowly and my aunt walked in grinning. I sprung off the bed squealing and running to her and gave her a big hug.

"TT Autumn! Oh my God, I've missed you!" I said, she squeezed me tightly. We rocked back and forth before she pulled back and looked at me.

"I've missed you too Tootie! Okay let me look at you," She spun me around taking a look. "I can't believe you're growing up,"

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