Meeting the wild child

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Twilights POV
We were in Times Hyrule, and we had just finished eating one of Malon's home cooked meals and decided to go work around the barn to set our stomachs when a portal opened us up and seeped us away.

"Oof" I said as my back hit a log "everyone good" Hyrule yelled and there was a variety of moans and groans and by the looks of it Time and Wind had either hit their head on a tree or a rock. "I'll start setting up camp to get them treated" I responded and started to pull out two sleeping bags to lay the pair out on, Sky went to grab fire wood, and Four was getting out the fire starter. I had then slowly put my shoulder under Times arm and walked him to a sleeping bag, Hyrule had already taken Wind to a sleeping bag and was checking out his injuries. "How's he Looken?" I asked. "Looks like just a mild concussion, with our limited resources it will take a day or too to fully recover with my healing" "damn... do we know what Hyrule this is?" "No clue but Warriors and Legend went to go and see if it looked familiar" I shook my head "this is a whole mess Is it not?" I asked Hyrule as I looked up to meet his eyes "when is it ever not a mess" we both laughed

Then there was a little russel in the bushes. I pulled my sword out ready for a monster or any type of wild life to jump out but the only thing that I could see is two healing potions rolling out from the bushes. Me and Hyrule looked at each other then back at the bushes. I slowly walked up to the bush and took a peak inside and all I could see is blue particles dissolving into the air. I turn to Hyrule and say " I'm going to go and see what that was you check those potions to see if they are actually healing potions" as Hyrule nodded I turned around and went east.

Wilds POV.
"That was close" I thought as I walked away from the shrine I teleported to. I went to a clearing and took a seat as I started to start a fire on a handful of stray twigs I had found, I was getting hungry so might as well make a meal. After a few moments of letting the fire get bigger I set my pot up to start cooking. But right when I was about to set some goat meat in to my pot I felt a strong presence almost like a wolfs but not? Maybe? So I slowly got to my feet right as a man with wolf fur and making came into the clearing "hey kid what are y-" I didn't waste another second and started running towards a river

Twilights POV
I came into a clearing just to see a boy with a blue tunic, brown or maybe blond hair (it was so dirty with sticks and mud it was hard to tell.) that was sloppy tied up into a ponytail that looked like he never taken it down to redo it after he slept, and not even to mention the burn scars that littered his face and disappeared under his under shirt. "hey kid what are y-" then he was off running "shit" I muttered under my breath as I took off after him

I will tell you this little boy is FAST and definitely agile he would kick off trees just to help him climb. We soon got to a river and we were running down it. The boy slipped on a rock and hit the ground pretty hard and I honestly expected the little boy to be out cold or at least out of it for at least 15 seconds, but no, he turned around with a bow in hand, aiming it straight at me. I slowly lifted my palms towards him. He was breathing very heavily "w-why a-a-are" he swallowed and tried again "why a-are you f-following me" his voice was so horse almost like he has not spoken in years. I opened my mouth to explain but quickly shut it when he continued to talk. "M-Men don't follow m-me unless they want s-something, strong men d-don't follow me u-unless they want to k-" he swallowed again "k-kill m-me" dear Hylia what have you let happen to this child "I'm not hear to hurt you I was just wandering the forest and ran into you" I slowly start to bring my hands down and the boy shoots an arrow at my feet. Ok Twilight not yet I think to my self at my hands shoot back up "d-don't move" the boy says through gritted teeth "I-I-I won't s-say it again." "Ok ok I'm still but I promise I'm not hear to hurt you I have a group that can help heal you, your head probably hurts right I'll bring you too our healer he's really good!" The boys hand starts to lower, good. "My names Twilight and including  me there's eight of us at the camp, and our healers name is Hyrule he will fix you right up I promise." The boy fully puts his bow down, and looks at it for a few seconds. "P-Promise?" The kid looks up to me with pleading eyes? "I Promise kid" the boy puts his bow fully up.

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