They still worry

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Wilds POV
"WILD!" I hear Twilight say as he comes into the clearing. I sigh and close my eyes, "guess the fun is over" I think to myself as I sit up and lean on my hands. I feel twilights hands clamp down on my shoulders and my eyes shoot open. I look him in his wide eyes as I feel his hands slightly shake. "God kid" Twilight says as he runs a hand through his hair then pulls my shoulders to him as he holds me in a tight embrace. one arm is pressing firmly against my shoulder blades while holding my shoulder. The other hand is softly holding the back of my head. He then sticks his face in my hair.

I slowly return the hug by wrapping both of my hands around his waist. "Geez, Kid you scared the crap out of me." Twilight says voice muffled by my hair. I tighten my hold on Twilight's shirt "I-I'm s-s-so s-s-sor-" I swallow back the guilty cry's that want to escape my mouth. "S-So-Sorry" I finally get it out. It's been a while since I've talked.

"It's ok your back so it's ok." Twilight says as he starts to rub my hair. I take a few deep breaths to calm the urge to cry. "WILD!" I hear from off in the distance. "WILD WHERE ARE YOU!" There's another voice. "COME ON KID COME OUT!" And another. "WE ARE OVER HERE!" Twilight yells back to them as he looks towards the trees, still keeping me close. there are loud footsteps before Hyrule, Time, and Legend come out of the trees.

All three of them looked at me and instantly relaxed. Legend was the first to break out of there relief and approach me. Then he balled his hand into a fist and bumped me on the head. "Are you stupid? Do you know how worried we-" he coughed into his hand "-THEY were?" Twilight let's go of the hug but keeps his arm behind my shoulders. "I-I-I" I swallow not knowing how to react. Legend has his hands balled into fists by his side before he sucks in a breath and let's it out. Legend lets the tension escape from his body. "Fuck it." He says as he crouches down and envelopes me in a hug.

"L-Leg-e-en-d" i mange to croak out, Legend looks down at me surprised (I don't think I've ever said any of there names) . I swallow, the saliva that seems to be building up in my mouth and start to speak. "I-I-Im s-so so s-sorry t-to
w-wo-rry y-you a-all." I close my eyes keeping my head against his chest. Suddenly I feel three more pairs of arms wrap around me.

"You just scared us kiddo, when you go off on your own like this we are scared you will get hurt." Says Hyrule "he's right you may be strong but that doesn't mean we won't worry about you" says Time patting my hair. "O-Oh" I say feeling my cheeks flush. "Alright up and at them my little escapee!" Says Hyrule lifting me onto his shoulders.

I cross my arms and lay my head on Hyrules head and we start back to Times house. I can feel my eyes start to water. I try to contain the sobs that try and rack my body but I let one slip. "Oh kiddo it's ok we found you so it's all ok" Hyrule says patting my leg. Time comes up beside me and Hyrule. He pats my shoulder and walks in front of me then comes Twilight who does the same thing. (Who is also leading the horse.) and Legend who ruffles my hair.

I wipe my tears and lay back on Hyrules head. I start to feel tired but try and stay awake. Time seems to notice. "Rest Wild it's fine." I nod my head and lay it back down. Right when I feel the sweet feeling of tiredness start overtake me I find myself whispering a soft "sorry" to Hyrule once more.

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