Sidon is my wild childs Bestie

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Twilights POV
"So your telling me that you can control time!?" I ask with a shocked look on my face. "Ummm... no? I mean I can't speed it up." Wild says as he taps his chin then continues. "Oh and it only happens when I'm attacking in the air or I do a perfect dodge."

I just stare at Wild with my mouth open, Time then walks up next to me and sets his hand under my jaw and closes it with a audible click. "We need to walk and talk if we are going to make it to Zoras Domain." Time says as he starts to walk past me. "Oh yes, I'll lead the way!" Wild says as he starts to walk down in front of Time.

"Sooooo Wild" Wind says as he trouts up to Wild "what other special powers do you have?" Wind asks with a smile. Wild looks at Wind. "I mean I think it would be better if you saw it in action instead of me telling you." Wild says. "I don't know, I think it would be good to know what you can do." Says Warriors. Wild stretches and looks back at Warriors. "It's kinda hard to explain and we need to get to the Zoras so I'll save it for another time." Wild says with a smile, we all nod.

Wilds POV
We make it to the entrance of Zora kingdom right before the sun fully sets. From where we are I can see Sidon by the the statue of Mipha. I can't hold back my excitement as I instantly bolt towards him, I can hear the group shouting for me but I don't care I haven't seen Sidon in three months! That's far too long.

Sidon must of heard my footsteps because he turns around just as I plant my foot to leap into his arms. Sidon catches me with a smile on his face as he spin me around in his tight embrace. Once he was done spinning me he sets a knee on the ground getting to my ground level so my feet can actually touch the floor. Sidon still holds me tight to his chest.

"Link my friend it's so nice to see you again." Sidon says as he stuffs his face into my messy hair. "I haven't seen you in months! I was about two days away from sending the whole guard to look for you!" Sidon says as he holds me at arm's length. "Well-" "WILD" I was interrupted by Twilight yelling at me as they get closer.

Sidon quickly gets in front of me and smiles at them with a 'friendly' smile -it was actually a wary smile-. "Hello new comers what can I do for you?" Sidon asks as he holds me a bit closer. "Hello my name is Time and we need a place to rest our hurt comrades." Time says politely while looking at me behind Sidon. "There with me Sidon! I've been traveling with them." I say as I look into Sidons eyes.

Sidons eyes seem to widen as he grabs my shoulders and gets back on one knee (seemingly forgetting about Time and the others.) "link... my friend... you didn't stutter or forget your words..." Sidon says looking as if he's about to cry tears of joy, he then wraps me in a big Zora hug as he continues to speak "I'm SO happy for you." I pat his back as I make eye contact with Twilight and smile.

"Sidon I need to get my friends some help and a place to sleep can you help me out?" I ask and Sidon places his hands on my shoulders. "Of course I'll help. I'll lead the way to the medics to get your friends treated then set up some rooms." Sidon says with a smile. I nod and follow Sidon.

Once we got to the medics we placed Hyrule, Sky, and Four on the Hospital beds. "As they are being treated let me introduce you guys!" I say with a smile then continue. "Sidon this is Time, Twilight, Wind, Warriors, and Legend," I say pointing to the five people standing. "and the ones laying on the bed are Sky, Hyrule, and Four." Then I point to Sidon. "And this is prince Sidon."

Time, Twilight, Warriors, and Legend look at me then back at Sidon bewildered by the fact he's a prince. And on the other hand Wind looks like he has stars in his eyes. "That's. So. COOL!! What's it like being a prince? How do you know Wild? Can you swim fast? Oh do you live in a castle? What's-" wind was cut short by Warriors covering Winds mouth. "Sorry about that he gets... curious?" Warriors says not really knowing how to explain Winds wild behavior.

Sidon just smiles and crouches down to Winds hight. "Well my friend I think being a prince is quite enjoyable because I get to go and help my domain, and I don't know who Wild is but I'm guessing you are referring to Link. Well we met a while ago when he helped out the Zoras domain with a problem we had, I also believe I can swim really fast among the Zora, you can ask Link that since he has rode upon my back. And I would not call it a call it a castle but just a really large house since it's too small to be considered a castle." Sidon explains and Winds eyes grow super big.

But before Wind could ask anything else Sidon stands up and faces the others. "I'll show you to your rooms we only have four available so you will have to share beds." Sidon looks back at the three unconscious men then back to the rest of the group. "They should be good to go back to the rooms with you and Link you can sleep in my quarters." Sidon says with a smile I quickly nod as I look back at the others who start to gather up Sky, Hyrule, and Four.

Once the rest of the chain was shown to there bedrooms me and Sidon headed to his room. I held onto Sidons hand and rubbed my eyes to try and wake up enough to make it to Sidons room but before I could even take another step Sidon scoops me in his arms and looks down at me. "I know you have had a long day, I'll get you too my room don't you worry, go ahead and sleep I'll be here when you wake up." I nod sleepily and let my eyes close as I fall into a comfortable slumber to the sound of my best friends heart beat.

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