Oh -- I Killed Him!

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Legends POV
(With Small Wild)
When I woke up I can see the kid snuggling up to Time, I scoff at this and walk closer to them. I want to ask the kid some questions before anybody else wakes up so picking him up should wake him up I think as I slowly reach my hands out and place them under his armpits. The kid is still dead to the world by the moment so I pull him up and away from Time. I then hold him in the air straight in front of me. Time moves a bit but settles quickly. Wild is still asleep with his head kind of just hanging there.

Maybe a shake will wake him I think as I shake his body back and forth away from my body. Wilds head lobs back and forth without even a hint of waking, And all I can think is "oh fuck I killed him!" I quickly set him on the ground and check his pulse, ok it's there. Then I put my hand in front of his face to see if he's breathing, ok he is. Then why in the name of Hylias titties is he not waking up.

"What are you doing?" Four says scaring the ever loving SHIT out of me so that I almost lose my grip on Wild and almost falls. I then stand back up holding him how I was before. "Tch I wanted to ask him some questions but he's not waking up." I say looking away from Four "hmm well have you seen if he's like... alive." Four asks and I scoff at him. "Of course I did what do you take me for, a idiot?" Four shakes his head and comes up to Wild and puts his hands on his cheeks and lightly slaps them. When that doesn't work he shakes his shoulders. "I've got nothing he's out like a light." Four says standing sticking his hands out to switch with me. I set Wild in his open hands and turn around to see Time.

"What are you guys doing to him?" He asks generally confused "well umm you see-" "Legend wanted to ask him some questions so he took him and started to shake him to wake him up." Wind says from behind me. Fucking snitch, is all I can think as Time looks at me mortified then runs his hand down his face.Twilight walks up and stretches his arms above his head. "what's with all the ruckus?" Twilight asks rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning. Time doesn't even answer, instead he grabs Wild and pushes Wilds head against his chest so that's it's not bobbing back and forth. I guess that's how you hold him I think, then he gently places him in Twilight's arms. he for some stupid ass reason has Twilight carry him differently. Time has Twilight place one hand on Wilds bottom and the other supporting his shoulders so that Wild is sitting in a upright position and his head is smushed up against Twilights shoulder.

Then Time turns to me and Four. "Come with me we need to have a Talk. About. This." Time says and I can see the irritation in his eyes... Fuck...

Twilights POV
I'm holding a child, like a child version of my protégé. I readjust Wild in my arms so he's up a bit more. I jump when Wild tilts forward so that his head is pressed against my neck. I try to stay as still as possible. "Awww so cute." Says Wind trying to get a closer look. "Umm what's happening?" Someone says from behind me. I turn my whole body to face Warriors who has a sleepy Sky hanging off his leg. "I don't know Time just gave him to me and dragged Legend and Four off." I said

"I know what happened!" Wind says in his usual loud voice. "Shh you will wake him Wind! And what happened?" Says Warriors as he looks at wind. "Oh he won't wake up trust me Legend and Four were trying to and failed, that's why Time took them to chew them out on how they were doing it." Wind says leaning against a tree. "How were they doing it?" I ask looking at Wind. "Oh they were shaking him like crazy and Wilds head was just bobbing there." He says sitting next to the tree. I raise a eyebrow at him. "Is that not how your supposed to wake people up?" I ask looking at Wind with curiosity, Wind looks at me mortified, as he shakes his head. "Maybe something's wrong?" Says Hyrule who comes over from behind me. "I don't know... I mean he's breathing." I say looking down at Wild.

Hyrule comes up to me and puts two fingers on the kids neck. "Pulse is normal." He mumbles before moving wilds head enough to feel for a fever. "No fever..." Hyrule then places his hands on wilds cheeks then places his forehead against Wilds. There is a faint pink glow before it flickers out. "It seems that the portal drained most of his magical energy." Hyrule says placing Wild back into the crook of my neck. "And what does that mean?" Sky asks sleepily and Hyrule nods and looks at Wild. "Magical energy is a natural kind of energy that everybody has, but not everyone can use magic so if people that can use magic over use it they get real tired and can sleep deeply for days, the portals take some of that magic but I bet switching Chains depleted a lot more of it." Hyrule says while walking up to sky and getting him to stand up.

"Well while he's dead to the world I'm fixing that hair, it has sticks, mud and knots all in it." Warriors says taking a brush and pointing me to a log to sit on. I sit down and push Wilds long hair onto my back so Warriors can start brushing.

Twilights POV
(With big Wild)
After older Wild showed up we decided to stay in the woods, it would be a very confusing for our first meeting with Zelda to be us saying 'oh hi this is Link but older and we travel with your younger Link and we also lost him' yeah not happening. When we set up camp Wild makes a quick dinner and goes straight to bed. We leave him be, we can question him tomorrow.

It's the next day and everyone but Hyrule and Sky are awake so I decided to wake up wild so that we can see what he knows. I walk over to the bed roll that he slept on and shake his shoulder. "Hey bud time to get up." I whisper but Wild is still sound asleep. I push him onto his back and he is still sound asleep. Then I shake both of his shoulders a bit rougher but he's still sound asleep. At this point there is a tightness in my chest that screams that something's wrong. I then lightly slap his face to see if I even get a response... nothing... I pull back one of his eye lids. "Hey come on Wild this isn't funny." I say as I look and see for any sign that he's awake... but he's not.

I quickly pull Wild up into a seated position and watch as his head flops forward. I then turn to Time and look him in the eye. "Somethings wrong" is all I have to say before everyone freaks out, Time comes to the other side of me and supports Wilds head so that it's upright and not dangling. Warriors and Legend are on both of Wilds arms checking for a pulse while screaming at each other, Wind is waking up Hyrule, and Four is waking up Sky.

When Hyrule is up he tails it straight to Wild. "What's wrong?" He asks as he feels wilds forehead. "I-I don't know he just won't wake up!" I say, panic clear in my voice. Hyrule nods and puts his forehead to Wilds and a Light pink light flickers, and Hyrule sighs in relief. "He's just used a bunch of Magical energy and is low on it, I would have to guess this is from the portal. He will probably be out for a couple of days." I let out a sigh of relief as well. We all know about low magical energy because of our Wilds display of healing the other day.

"Since we need to be on the road someone will need to carry him until he wakes up, we can't stay in one place for too long." Says Time as he lowers Wild back into his bed. "I'll do it." Says the entire chain and Time sighs. "We will all carry him for a hour or less if you get tired, except Wind and Four, I know you guys are strong but he is a lot bigger then you guys and that would make it where you can't carry him long. The two pout but nod as we all pack up to head on the road.

I then call to Time. He turns around and faces me. "I think we should go see Sidon, we know him and he may have a idea on what to do." I say looking into his.. well... Eye.. "yes I agree we can also have Sidon introduce us to Zelda without her being suspicious. Oh and you will carry Wild first and I'll carry him last." Time says, I nod and grab my stuff and pick up Wild. "We will get you home, to your chain" I whisper to Wild as I Follow Time.

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