Wandering Curiosity Crew! What Mask?

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Champions POV
I've been traveling with this chain for two days. We are on a break and Sky's dozing to my left against a tree letting out a small snore every so often. Me and sky are resting away from everyone else, we are at the tree line and they are in the clearing. I look away from the group and into the forest admiring the trees until I hear a rustle of leaves. My eyes shoot to the trees to check for a possible threat, I lay my hand on my sword at my hip, my fingers clench the handle until I see Wilds head poke through the branches and Leaves. "Uhhh" I start to think of what to say but Wild puts his index finger to his lips and waves me over. I look over to the rest of the chain who are still occupied and stand up to go into the tree line.

"Whatcha need pip squeak?" I ask raising a eyebrow to him. Wild just grabs the hem of my tunic and I follow him all the way to the edge of a monster camp. "Oh, let's get the others so we can take care of it." I say turning around, and Wild grabs my leg. "We are not fighting those alone." I say in a serious voice but he shakes his head and reaches for his own slate. I watch him with my own curiosity as he clicks the screen and Majoras mask materializes. "Ohhhhhh" I say as a small grin appears on my face. "I-I d-dis-tric-t. Y-you k-kill. Wild stutters and points to the mask then himself. I nod and we discuss a plan

"Somethings wrong." I suddenly mutter next to Four "what do you mean" Four asks, his eyes turning purple. All attention is on me. "I don't know..... but something's wrong... I can feel it.." I say as I lay my hand on my chin. "Oh crap! The Wandering Curiosity crew Roll Call!" Warriors says before he starts shouting names. "Hyrule!" Warriors says looking over the group. "Here- wait.. HEY!" Hyrule answers crossing his arms and pouting. Legend snickers at him. "Wind!" Warriors says with his hands on his hips. "Here~" Wind sings out as he sets one hand on his chest and the other out almost like he's reaching for the goddesses. Four smacks the back of his head. "Ok Twilight?" Warriors says as he looks over Twilight and pretends on to see him.

"What? I don't bunch me with those two!" Twilight says jabbing his thumb at Wind and Hyrule. They huff in annoyance. "Ok ok" warriors chuckles before continuing. "Wild?" There's no reply. "Umm Wiiillldd" Warriors try's again actually looking this time. "Wait Champion is gone too!" Wind says pointing over to where Sky is sleeping soundly. "...shit" Legend says sagging his shoulders in a tired way as he runs one hand through his hair. "Language vet." I say as I pass him to go wake Sky up. "Sky get up, we have got to go." I say shaking his shoulder. He doesn't even budge. "We dont have time for this..." I say as I clench my fist. I've made my decision I think to myself as I hoist Sky into a fireman carry and walk into the woods with the others following me.

Wilds POV
I put Majoras mask on, rub a loin cloth all over me that I got from a Bokoblin so I smell the part, change my weapons to ones that I got from different kinds of monsters, and hunch my back as I walk into the camp. I tip toe away from Champion then Change to a stomp that all monsters do. Two moblins turn there head and creep towards me I tilt my head erratically as I pretend sniff them they sniff me back and put away there weapons. Six Bokoblins start to stock forward to stand next to the moblins. I can see Champ in the corner of my eye ready his bow. I grunt then stomp, the monsters look confused but follow me. I cheer in a weird fashion to show them it's a game. They look at each other and nod for me to continue. I stomp my feet six times then let out a battle cry. They nod and follow but as they stomp and yell Champ has let out a barrage of arrows that hit three Bokoblins on the head killing them instantly.

The last three Bokoblins and Moblins cheer at there success not even noticing there dead comrades. I tuck my thumb against my palm and give Champ the signal to kill four of them. I jump up in the air showing them I'm happy they did it. I then stop to continue the 'game'. I stomp my feet five times, clap my hands seven and give a big monstrous yowl. They don't miss a beat as they start to copy me. Two were shot during the stomps and two were killed during the claps and I yowl with the last Moblin so he can't tell that his comrades are dead. I jump and cheer with him in excitement before waving my hand for Champ. The Moblin drops dead with a arrow sticking through his skull before he could even realize it's a trap.

I watch Champ run over and give me a high five and I take off the mask. But before I could put it away I'm enveloped in a hug from behind.

Times POV
When Sky wakes up I set him on the ground and continue walking until I hear a monstrous screech. I look at the other chain members and it's quickly followed by a group screeches and cheers. "That can't be good." Twilight says and I nod and start to stalk forward. Another scream, I can make out a group through the trees but can't identify them until I get closer. I can finally see three Bokoblins on the ground and four more starting falling over dead. I look up to see a singular Moblin but there's something in front of it. The moblin moves to the side slightly and my blood runs cold. Skull kid...? No, no he's gone. I then look at there outfit, there long blond hair. ...it's Wild... I stand there looking at his hunched back and uneven steps, Wilds steps are ALWAYS light and sneaky, never giving you the chance to hear him coming. The Moblin falls and Wild straightens up.

Champion runs out and Wild takes off that wretched mask and gives him a high five. I sprint out of the bushes and hug Wild from behind. He flinched and looks back at me innocently. I grab the mask and throw it away from us as far as I can. I then drag him as far away as I can before falling down. My breaths are coming in too fast. Wild looks at me worriedly but I continue to glare at the Mask, my eyes are wide and all I see is red, blood, Skull Kids blood. I can't breath... I tuck my face into his hair as I try and calm down. I glance up to see the rest of the chain slowly walking up, they walk way too close to the mask. Hyrule bends to pick it up. "DON'T TOUCH IT!" I yell tucking Wilds head into my chest.

Hyrules hands fly away from the mask as he looks at me in confusion. My eyes jolt from the chain to the mask. Twilight notices and pushes the rest of the chain away from the Mask and I tuck my head back into Wilds hair breathing heavily. "Time?" Twilight softly says as he slowly walks up to me. I glance up at him but mostly keep my head in Wilds hair. He's safe, right here, in my arms.. "Time what's wrong with the mask." Twilight asks crouching in front of me. I swallow back the bile that threatens to come up as I think of skull kid, his death, his sins. "It's.. cursed. It drives you insane and will make you want to kill, it makes you kill." I say forcing a even tone of voice.

"Ok, ok" Twilight says running his hands through his hair. "Let me see Wild, and let's go set up a camp huh?" Twilight says kindly but I can't let him go. It's too dangerous, the mask, everything. I shake my head and hold him tight. Wild pats my back, almost like he's saying he's ok but no he's not, he can't be, I'm not letting go. Twilight sighs and stands up. "Come on let's go, we can find somewhere else to camp out at" Twilight says and I stand up with Wild tucked safely tucked against my chest. I glare at the mask as we pass it. The one thing I didn't notice is Champion picking up the mask and stashing it in his slate.

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