For How Many Days?

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Itty-bitty Wild (Times POV)
The kid has been asleep for two days. Hyrule says he should be waking up soon but I'm starting to worry, when we realized that Wild was going to be asleep for a while we decided to change him into so more comfortable clothes, and Wind offered his shirt.

So We have been taking turns carrying him as we travel, with me and Twilight carrying him the longest. We walk into a clearing and I have Wild in my arms, sky waves us over to a tree to rest under while Legend is on cooking duty. I sit next to Sky with Wild leaning on my chest snoozing away.

About fifteen minutes later Sky was starting to doze and slowly tilt so that he's leaning on my shoulder, right when Sky started to actually fall asleep the little boy in my arms shifted so that his face was pushed up against my neck. I froze not knowing if I should try and waking him up but Sky suddenly sat up and shook Wilds shoulder.

Wild moved his head so that he was looking at Sky. "Hey bud how are ya feeling?" Sky asks tilting his head. Wild spares him one more glance before shoving his face back into my neck. "Tired." Wild croaks out. "I know your tired kiddo but you need to stay awake so you can eat something." I say patting his back to try and wake him up a bit. Wild let's out a sigh as he pushes away from me and leans his back against my chest.

"Foods ready!" Yells Legend, Wild jumps from his dozing that he had started to do and gets up. I follow behind him. the others stare at him, surprised he's awake, I just lead him to the bowls of... whatever that is and look down at him. Wild cringes at the "food" then turns his back to it. "Umm kiddo you need to eat." I say setting a hand in his hair Wild shoots a glare straight at me and then takes his slate out. I look at him confused as he touches the screen and pop, a apple appears. "Wha-" I'm cut off by a crunching sound as Wild devours the apple. I just sigh and grab my plate and go back to the tree.

Once I finish that gross meal Wild sits back in my lap. "HEY WILD!" Yells Wind as he runs up, before Wild could even open his mouth Wind starts speaking again. "You really started to worry us when you wouldn't wake up! Turns out that portal thingy drained your magic levels and made you sleep for like two whole days! Can you believe that!" Wilds eyes widen and he turns to me "two days?" He asks with scared eyes. "Umm yeah losing a lot of your Magical energy can make you really sleepy so you slept for two days." Wilds face turns two shades lighter as tears start to bunch in the corner of his eyes.

"Hey what's the matter? Are you feeling ok?" I ask in a panic, but it doesn't calm Wild the tears start to stream down his face and his breath picks up. "I- don't want- to f-forget I don't- w-want to forget" Wild starts to whisper in between breaths. I look at Wind confused, Wild never told us anything about his journey so I'm are completely lost. I pull Wild in so that his head is against my chest. "Hey it's ok, your ok, I need you to breath with me alright? We will take it slow, in... 2,3,4... hold... 2,3,4... out... 2,3,4..., that's it there we go now again." We keep doing it until Wilds breathing gets more normal. "I-I don't w-want to g-go back." Wild says shoving his face into my neck. "Where don't you want to go back to?" I ask rubbing his back. "The s-shrine" he says clutching onto my undershirt "what shrine?" I ask pushing a little bit farther for answers. "The b-bad shrine, t-the one w-where I woke u-up" Wild says in between sniffles.

"Shhh it's ok your not there anymore." I whisper to him as pull my other hand up to rub his head. The shrine where he woke up? I don't want to forget? This is a lot to take in especially from a kid. Wild pulls his head from my neck and he rubs his eyes. "I don't want t-to fall asleep again." Wild says as slaps his cheeks. I give him a sad smile as I wave Hyrule over. "Why don't you go explore with Hyrule to wake up." I say as I set my legs so that they are crisscrossed and press my side into the tree, than I look back at Wild. He seems to glowing brighter as he hugs he from behind and looks up at Hyrule.

"Before you guys go, be back in 30 minutes and Wild change into some different clothes." I say looking between Wild and Hyrule. Hyrule nods and responds with a "ok dad" and Wild gives me a salute before grabbing some clothes out of his slate and running off.

Authors note
Sorry for the shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed!

—————————————————————————-Authors noteSorry for the shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed!

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