Awwwwww Legend <3

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Times POV
Me and Malon walked into the room Wild and Legend were staying in. On that note I want to say I have no idea why Malon made us leave Legend with little Wild but I finally figured it out when I saw Legend passed out on the couch with Wild sound asleep on his chest, and they were both drooling.

"See hunny that's why I told legend to stay with wild, no way to get closer then to take care of him, this proves I'm always right." Malon said in a whisper, puffing out her chest a bit. I shake my head and let out a puff of laughter. "of course hunny your AlWayS RigHt" I say mocking her. Then She swats me on the back of the head (worth it!), and just give her a giggle.

After that I walk to Legend and Wilds side and set my hand on Wilds head. Wild reacts with turning his head away and pushing it into Legend. Legend just turns his head and slightly moves his hand to rub Wilds back for a couple of seconds before quitting it. (Obviously still asleep) I look at Malon with a smile. "Wilds fever broke we will just need to keep an eye on it just in case." I say then I look down at the bucket "and I'm taking this outside" Malon nods and I take the gross bucket outside.

Once I was back inside I sit in the chair that was beside the couch and wait for the two to wake up. After a couple of minutes Warriors walks in stretching, obviously just woke up. Warriors opens his mouth to talk to me but I quickly shush him and point the the two boys asleep on the couch. Warriors stops in his tracks and looks over. After a couple of seconds he starts snickering and tip toes over to me and whispers in my ear. "What's wrong with his tough boy act huh" Warriors looks two seconds away from full on laughing. I'm trying to calm him down so he doesn't wake them up especially because it's not that funny, but We both go still when Legend groans and throws his arm over his eyes, then settles but Wild has his head facing us and is blinking slowly to wake up.

Wild lifts his head a little to see what was going on but Legend was not letting that happen. Legend turns on his side so that he's facing the back of the couch, which makes Wild stuck in between the couch and Legend. Legend has one arm around Wild and one behind his head.

I'm telling you Warriors could not take seeing Legend care for someone and was in the corner of the room wheezing from how hard he's laughing and Wild just looks confused. I push Warriors out of the room and sit on the coffee table to talk to Wild.

"Hey kiddo how you feeling?" I whisper to Wild. Wild shoots me a thumbs up. "Do you want me to wake Legend ups so you can get up?" I ask, Wild seems to think for a second before shaking his head. Wild then starts to shake Legends shoulder, guess he wanted to wake him up. Legend was not having that and bear hugs Wild and goes back to sleep. Wild just waves me off to tell me "it's fine" so I go into the kitchen to help Malon. And tell her about Legends bear hugs.

Malons POV
After Breakfast was served I went into Wild and Legends room with two plates. Wild seemed to have fallen back to sleep. I set the plates on the table and sit on the side of the couch, I gently rub Legends back and he starts to wake up "come on lege, let's get some food in you" I say in a cooing voice he opens his eyes and instantly sees that he's hugging wild. His face turns red as he slowly lets go of the kid. Even though Legend let go gently and slowly Wild still started to wake up.

Wild sat up and rubbed his eyes then looked at me. "Hey pumpkin I brought you guys some breakfast" I said with a smile. Legend was already on the very end of the couch blushing. Wild looks over at Legend, than back at me, then nods. Wild and Legend were in the middle of eating there breakfast when Legend puts his fork down and looks at me "if you tell anyone about this I will shove Time off a cliff so you will never see him EVER again." Legend says with the most serious face he can make. Wild looks at Legend horrified and shoves his face into his side.

"What are you doing?" Legend asks obviously startled. "N-N-No k-kill T-Time." Wild says, voice muffled by Legends shirt. Legend looks guilty "hell kid I was joking I wouldn't actually kill Time." Legend says hands slightly in the air not knowing what to do. "P-Promise?" Wild asks. Legend sighs. "Promises

I look at Legend and say "I didn't have to Lege everyone saw it" Legends face is as white as paper as Warriors bursts in. "HAHAHA LITTLE MISS EGO FINALLY SHOWING HIS SOFT SIDE." Warriors yells as he fall on the floor laughing. Legend jumps up and drags Warriors outside.

Twilight speed walks to a confused Wild "you feeling better pup" Twilight says putting his hands on the boy's shoulders. Wild nods and looks at Me. "Oh dumpling Legend and Warriors will be just fine." I say as I hug him. He looks up at me and nods.

Once Warriors and Legend were done with there scuffle they came back in. Wild shot out of his seat and went to the boys. Warriors looked like he wanted to tease Legend and Legend looked two seconds away from hitting Warriors. Wild grabs both of there hands and pulls them down to eye level for him. "Umm what's up?" Warriors asks, Wild just pull both of them into a hug. Both of the boys look shocked but hug back. "Well it looks to me that little wild wants you two to stop fighting." I say looking at the boys. Wild whips his head around at me and nods happily. The rest of the room laughs.


sorry if this chapter was a little uneventful but I'm trying to get to a good spot so it can be eventful. This was also a shorter chapter so I'm also sorry about that, and I hope you enjoyed

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