First bath in 100 years

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Wilds POV
I just looked at Twilight or technically Link and just stared at him "Twilight you can't just dump that on him!" Time said bonking Twilight on the head. Twilight seemed to wince away with a hand on his head "what that's how you did it to me!" He said to time. "Your older then him when we told you!" Time retorts back. Sky who was a little bit farther away waved at me to call me over. I looked up at Twilight who was still bickering with Time and decided to hobbled over to Sky

Once I got to sky he sat on the grass and interlocked his fingers together "hey kid I'll explain it a little bit more sound good" I nod "well as Twilight told you all of our names are Link. And you are looking at the hero's of the past Hyrules" he pauses, and takes out the master sword? I look at my back to see if mine is still there. He laughs. "Almost all the Links have the master sword and I'm the one who forged it" I can feel my eyes grow wide as I look at him with curiosity "now if you will place your hand on my master sword it will tell you your hero title." He says with a smile. I can feel myself hesitate as I reach out for sky's master sword. When I touch it I can feel a sort of magic irrupt within my soul it felt almost warm, but cold like when I frost woke up in the shrine of resurrection. Sky looks up to me and says "welcome Hero of the wild"

"I think wild suits him and his code name." a voice says from behind me says, I jump from the sudden sound but It was just warriors. "I agree just look at him, he's all dirty with dirt and mud all over him. And look at all the sticks in his hair" Legend says with a scowl on his face. Time walks up and says. "For once I think Legends right" you can hear Legend give an unimpressed "hey" in the background. I giggle at that and Time continues. "This little guy needs a bath" I look up at Time and he crouches down "what's up little guy something confusing" I whisper in his ear. "W-What's a b-bath" Time looks at me a little surprised "we will show you, I'll take you to the stream" he says as I take his hand.

"W-Wait" I say looking up at him. He looks down at me and asks "what's wrong you need something?" I let go of his hand and jump over to my pot and I grab my sheikah slate and start to grab all the monster and animal ingredients to make a healing potion "uhhh wild what's that for?" Hyrule asks but I ignore him and add it into the pot. "You don't expect us to eat that.... Do you?" Four asks I shake my head as I grab a bottle and pour the potion into it. Wind looks up at Legend and says "It kinda looks like a healing potion?" Legend just stares at me and says.  "There's no way THATS a healing potion." Legend points right at me. I look at them and then I down the potion, and all hell breaks loose. Twilight and Time run up to me asking me to spit it out, Legend is gagging as he's holding wind back from running up to me as wind keeps saying "I want to try it!" Sky seems to have passed out in warriors arms with warriors yelling "Sky's dead!" over and over, and Hyrule is patting Fours back as Four throws up.

I then sit on the ground and unwrap my ankle. "you should leave that on there cub" Twilight says eyeing the bottle I just drank then looks back at my ankle to see it completely healed "that.. was a healing... potion...?" Time says looking grossed out. I hop to my feet, nod and say. "G-Good to go" Time shakes his head and grabs my hand. "Let's not make potions in front of everyone else anymore ok?" I nod and wonder why? Don't they make there own potions too?"

Once me and Time get to the river he looks at me "let's get those sticks out first." Time says sitting on the ground. I sit in front of him facing the water as he takes the hair tie out of my hair. "So kiddo what's your Hyrule like?" Time asked as he starts to pick all the twigs out of my hair "big, n-new, and s-scary when re-d" I say as I tilt my head up to meet his eyes "new and scary when red?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face "b-blood m-moon, m-monter (monster) r-r-revive" I say as I look back down and start playing with my hands. Then I hear time replay "monsters revive when the moon is red?" I nod "ok I'll keep a look out for it" he says as he puts his head where I can see it and winks. I giggle at his face

Times POV
I decided to not push how his Hyrule is "new" but when the moon can revive monsters, that's crazy! How are we going to defeat the infected monsters if they revive! Ok Time calm down let's just get the kid in the water. I look down at the kid after I took out all of the sticks out of his hair. "ok kid I need you to take your shirt and pants off" Wild looked at me with a confused expression on his face" I should probably explain it a little bit. "Well when you have a bath you try to become clean, so we need to clean your clothes separately from you so we can get all the dirt off" I say hoping that it was enough of an explanation for that little boy. He hesitantly nods. Seems like he gets the concept. Wild starts to take off his shirt and I'm stunned by how much worse his scars are then I had ever imagined and I didn't think it could get worse until I saw him take his pants off and he just had his boxers the burn scars were all the way from the left side of his face to just above his left ankle. I was broken out of my thoughts by a little voice saying "r-ready!" I sigh and say "all right let's go little bit"

Once he gets into the water I ask him to get his hair wet. He nods and dunks his head and under water and I let out a little laugh. "Haha kid I just needed the hair but that works" he smiles up to me and then looks back to the water. I grab some shampoo and lather it in his hair. He seems to be surprised and touches his head then brings it to his face he seems to twitch, then is his shoulders relax "hey kid you alright" I ask as I look at his face. He's eyes look distant, and his hand is slowly lowering into the water and his mouth is agape. "Kid" I say as I set my hand on his shoulder and give it at slight shake. Once I do that he rag dolls and his soapy hair hits my tunic.

Wilds POV
I was in a river and someone was rubbing my head. Who is that? Why do I seem happy? Why are we here? I suddenly see a woman holding a baby girl, who is she? Why are they here? Why am I here? Then I take a second. Oh this is a memory I think. I close my eyes knowing it will be over soon.

Times POV
I sat there for a while waiting for the kid to move again then I hear a gasp come from him "kid? Kid you with me" he blinks a couple of times and then looks up at me "there you are kid you feeling  ok?" I ask with worry in my voice. Wild looks at me for a couple more seconds before he looks back to the water and nods. I probably won't ask about it and rinse his hair.

I decided to carry wild, especially because he seem pretty sleepy and out of it after that 'episode.' Yeah that's what we will call it. After we got him clothed and on the road (I had wild in one of my old t-shirts) he really did fall asleep against my tunic and we went on our way to the camp.

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