You Let A Eleven Year Old Cook?

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??? POV
I was running away from Hyrule when a portal opened right under me and I was suddenly falling the hitting the ground. "WILD!" I heard from Twilight, I look up with my face covered by my hood and see the chain all look at me with shock. Some of them look angry and others worried. I then realized this is not my chain and stand up. "Who are you and what did you do with Wild." The fake Twilight says staring daggers at me while also pointing his sword at me. I look at him confused and take my hood off, they stare at me more shocked then they were before. "You grew" fake Wind says in a confused tone. "Umm no I didn't, but where am I this is not my Hyrule and you are not my chain." I say crossing my arms.

They don't answer me... instead Time and Twilight come to my sides and start inspecting me. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask as Time looks at my right hand and Twilight looks at the back of my neck. "Language" Time says with a steady dad stare "This is Wild all right he has the same birth mark and everything" Twilight says as he backs up and rubs his temples "what are you talking about I am so confused." I say looking at them.

Wind ignores my confusion and starts to whine "I'm now the youngest again" my eyes shoot to him. "Wait... I'm younger then Wind here..?" I ask clearly confused "umm yeah our Wild is 11, how old are you?" Sky asks, I look at him dumbfounded as he looks up at me waiting for a answer. "Oh I'm like, 19 or 20? Yeah somewhere around there." I say looking at the others and some of them give me some weird looks. "This is so weird, I'm so used to a tiny Wild who can't even take a bath without help." Time says as he puts his head in his hands.

"Umm honestly I don't really know what to say..." I say as I think about how my chain will react. "Oh no" I find my self saying. "Oh no? The Fuck is that supposed to mean? Oh no is not a good way to start a damn conversation!" Legend says seeming to be freaking out. Time mumbles a "Language" towards Legend but puts his attention back on me quickly. "If your little Wild is with my chain... goddess help him... they have no idea how to deal with little kids... maybe my wind but he's a pirate and doesn't count. Oh and Time but he won't be there all the time to take care of him." I say looking up at the chain.

Wind looks mildly offended by the Pirate thing but shakes it off, but Warriors... oh he looks super worried. "Oh Hylia Wild better be safe" he says as he paces back-and-forth. Sky try's to calm him but nothings working. Four then looks up at me. "At least tell me you know how to cook?" I nod and look at at Time. "Have you guys seriously been having a 11 year old cook?" I ask. He at least has the decency to look ashamed.

Little Wilds POV
"Umm what do we do now" I hear from the fake chain, I'm sitting on the edge of there camp watching them. "I don't know... how do we take care of him he's... so tiny..." I hear from I think Four. "You have no room to talk, without him here your the smallest in the group." Says Legend sticking his nose in the air. "why I ought to" Four says through clenched teeth and all there voices muddle together.

"Hey how are you holding up?" I jump at Twilight's voice. "Oh sorry I'm not used to people not hearing me walk up... so can you talk?" He asks, I nod and pull my knees to my chest. "Umm do you know anything about why your here?" I shake my head and set my cheek on my knees. "Well... basically we have someone that's named Wild and looks exactly like you." Twilight says and I look up at him. "But the difference is that our Wild is older so that's why we are confused because we can tell your not a younger version of him because of your scars." Twilight explains and I just nod to him.

Warriors walks up and sits beside me. "Hey are you hungry? We can try and make some food." I look at him and begin to speak. "I'm h-hungry, but I w-want to cook." I say as the two look at me dumbfounded. I suddenly feel the need to hide my face. "Oh my Goddess your voice is too cute." Twilight says smushing my cheeks together. I sit there very confused... my Twilight would never do that... "it really is, but we need to do something about that hair, it's like a rats nest in that thing." Warriors says bringing a comb out of seemingly nowhere.

As I try to get Twilight's hands off my face Warriors is having his own battle with my hair... dear Hylia this Chain is weirder then my chain.
"What are y'all doing?" Time asks from behind us, I make grabby hands towards him as a sign to get me the hell away from these people. Time seems to take the hint "let the poor kid go he's obviously uncomfortable." He says giving Twilight and Warriors a look. Warriors stops brushing and Twilight let's go of my face. I take this as a chance and run up to Time, he looks down at me with a eyebrow raised. "Umm u-up and a-away from t-them p-ple-ase?"

Times eyes soften as he seems to coo at me. He then picks me up and I shove my face into his chest.

Times POV
"Wow Time really is a dad." Wind says from within the group. I give him my don't even start look and walk over to the cooking pot. Hyrule seems to be trying to find something to cook and I'm disgusted by the cockroach's and dung beetles he has set out. "I c-can cook, I don't like t-to eat o-other people's cooking." Wild says against my chest and I think about it for a second "are you sure? I can whip up something quick and easy." I say looking down on him as I sit down on a log by the cooking pot. Wild shakes his head and positions himself so that he's sitting on my lap close enough to cook. I just sigh and let him do his thing.

After about 5 minutes of Wild stirring the pot I can see him start to nod off. "Hey how much longer do you have to stir until it's finished?" I ask and Wild looks up at me with half lidded eyes "bout 10 more minutes." He says slurring his words. I nod as I watch to see if he fully nods off.

Not even a minute later the little Wild is softly snoring against my chest as I continue to stir the soup. Once the soup is done I wave Four over to prepare the bowls. "Aww all this excitement must of tuckered him out." Four says as he fills the bowls up and hands them out l. each member looks at Wild and coos.

Except for Legend because he claimed to not have a Heart.

But once I have two bowls of soup I decided it's time for Wild to eat. I gently shake Wilds shoulder to get him up but he's dead asleep so I shake a bit harder till he looks up at me with blurry eyes. "Hey kid let's go ahead and eat something before going back to bed huh?" I say as I set his bowl of soup in his lap. He nods and takes the spoon and begins to eat.

I decided that I will eat when Wild is done because this kid can not stay awake. Every time the kid starts to dip forward I will gently shake him enough to keep him from falling in his food. Once he's done I swear he's already back asleep. His bowl sits in his hands loosely as he snoozes away. I take it away and set it to the side, I then grab a napkin from beside me and wipe his messy face. Wild must of been exhausted because he doesn't flinch or even stir at anything. I grab my bowl and begin to eat my portion.

Once I'm done Twilight was nice enough to clean up for me, I nod in thanks then the others begin to gather around me. "He's out like a light" says Hyrule brushing Wilds hair out of his face. "Yeah I don't think he would wake up for anything." Four says as he pokes Wilds cheek but he doesn't even move. "Hmm looks comfy" Sky says as he leans his back against my side and closes his eyes. "What are you doing?" I ask looking down at him. "Seeing 'yawn' why Wild was sleeping so hard... I can see it now... your comfy..." sky says as he starts to drift off. "Oh I want to try" says Wind as he lays down on my lap next to Wilds foot. "Oh no y'all don't, go to y'all's own bed." I say looking in between the two.

Hyrule and Four giggle as they look at the two. "Ok you guys it's time for bed I'll take first watch." Warriors says and we all nod. I go to the empty bed roll that our Wild left behind and try and set the Younger Wild down on it but Wild seems to miss the warmth and starts to shift around. Since my bed roll of right beside his I lay down and pull the kid to my chest. Wild settles and I start to fall asleep to the sound of soft little snores.

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