Halloween special 

533 21 11

Times POV
"What's Halloween?" Wild asks tilting his head. I crouch down to the 11 year olds level. "It's a holiday, you dress up as anything you want and get candy" I say, Wilds eyes widen and light up. "Anything?" He asks mesmerized by the thought. "Anything" I say smiling as Wild jumps on the balls of his feet and looks over to Wolfe. He suddenly stops and looks more intently at Wolfe, Wild rubs his chin in thought. He walks over to him, crouches down and stares at his face. Wolfe tilts his head confused. Wild suddenly jumps up and points at Wolfe. "I WANNA BE WOLFE!" He yells excitedly and I just laugh. "Of course little bit, let's go to Malon, she can probably help with the costume. Wild nods quickly and takes my hand as we walk to the house. Wolfe looks overly confused as to why Wild wants to be him but follows behind us.

I enter the house and call for Malon. She comes into the room and looks at me and Wild. "What's going on sugar" Malon asks and Wild speaks up before I could. "Can you help me make a costume for Hallo- Hallowe-" "Halloween" I correct and Wild nods and looks up to Malon with starry eyes. She laughs and gives Wild a content smile "of course sugar plum what costume do you have in mind?" She asks patting Wilds head. "I want to be Wolfe!" He exclaims and Wind pokes his head out from behind a door. "Costumes? I wanna dress up! I want to be a vampire " Wind says as he brings his hands up. "Bleh bleh bleh I want to suck your blood" Wind says in a silly voice as he tickles Wild. Malon just laughs. "Of course I'll make y'all some costumes. They will be ready later so y'all go off and play." She says as Wind drags Wild off to go have fun. "Looks like we are on costume duty fairy boy" Malon says and I look at her confused. "We?" I ask pointing to myself. "We." She says sternly as ever as she drags me off to help her.
"You kids ready?" Malon asks, Wild and Wind nod quickly and turn to run off. "Hold on you two" I say grabbing the back of there costumes "we need some ground rules" the boys turn and look at me. "The first rule is to let us inspect the candy before you eat it, second you can not leave our sight, and third.... Have fun" I say with a smile and the two nod, Wild takes my hand and pulls me along while Wind tries to run off but Malon grabs the boy.

"Oh before we forget.." Malon says pulling out two pillow cases "y'all need something to Cary the candy in!" She says handing both the kids a pillow case. Wind just nods but Wilds eyes light up and he bounces on his feet. I laugh as we head to the first house.

After the 5th house the boys started to really get into it. They ran to each house with big smiles on there faces but that quickly changed when we passed the corner to the next block. It was a narrow walk way that we went through. Both boys were unsuspecting as they walked with a bounce. Little did they know some hero's were in the shadows. "BOO!" Yelled Warriors and Legend as they jumped in Wind and Wilds path. Both boys jump and hold onto each other. Wild quickly let's go of Wind and jumps in my arms, puffing his cheeks as he gets angry at Warriors and Legend. Wind attacks the two boys while Warriors holds Wind by the forehead so he can't reach them.

"Y'all's faces where PRICELESS!" Legend says rolling on the floor with laughter. "Y-you good there sailer? You screamed like a little g-girl" Warriors says holding back his laughter. Winds face turns red with anger as he tries to go after Warriors who let go of his forehead and started running. Wild is holding onto my shirt pouting at the scare he got. "They did get you guys pretty good" sky says walking out giggling with Hyrule.

After Wind calms down we all head to a couple more houses but stop when we see Four and Wolfe. Four has a huge axe with a interesting set of clothes. "Oh hey guys" Four says waving. Wolfe scoffs obviously not happy being a horse. Four jumps off and walks over. "So we all went out?" Four asks and Warriors giggles. "What's so funny?" Four asks narrowing his eyes. Warriors covers his mouth. "I'm guessing no one could tell you weren't a adult" Warriors says snickering. Four does not take the joke lightly. He holds his axe in both hands and sinisterly grins at Warriors. Warriors gulps as he turns and runs.

Wolfe must of snuck off because Twilight comes over seconds later with Warriors tucked under one arm and Four tucked under the other. "Let's continue trick-or-treating." Twi says with a smile. Wilds head bobs up and down as he nods. Wild then drags me to the next house.

After a few more houses Wild is falling asleep on his feet. I scoop him up in my arms and rest him on my hip. "I think we are done for the night" I say and Wild tiredly shakes his head against my shoulder. "Noooooo" he says with a yawn as he closes his eyes. I look over at Wind as he winks at me. Wind fake yawns and stretches. "I don't know Wild I'm pretty sleepy" Wind says smirking. Wild relaxes into my arms. "Well..... if your tired then it's ok....." Wild says as he drifts off to sleep. I smile and look at the rest of the chain. "Alright boys, let's get back to Lon Lon Ranch" I say quietly as we head home.

Hey y'all this little snippet was really rushed but I hope you enjoyed, I also want to thank you for all the support you have given me throughout this book and hope you enjoy future books

_______________________Hey y'all this little snippet was really rushed but I hope you enjoyed, I also want to thank you for all the support you have given me throughout this book and hope you enjoy future books

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