Slow down what now?

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Twilight's POV
Me, Time, Warriors, Legend, Hyrule, Malon, and Four are all talking in a circle with Sky sleeping against a tree a little farther off. Wind and Wild are sleeping and/or relaxing with there heads on Sky's lap. "I'm going to check on the other three" I say as I get up and start to walk to the three tired boys.

When I made it to the boys I instantly awwwww at Wind and Wild. Wind is flat on his back wrapping one arm around Wild and the other was resting on his stomach. Wild is on his side with his arms wrapped around Wind and his head on Winds chest.

I must of taken too long because when I turn around I see the others right behind me staring at the three sleeping figures.

Winds POV
"Awwww" "shhh you will wake them" "didn't expect wind to be so brotherly." "He has a sister so it doesn't surprise me" I can hear voices, why they so loud. I think to myself as I feel my self start to wake me. "you can tell by how he's sleeping with him" "awww the little dumplings are too darn cute" my eyelids feel too heavy to open to see who is talking "guys! Shhh you will wake them!" "Says you your the loud one!" "Boys-" "shut up" I mumble and slur my words a bit but I don't care, all I care about is going back to sleep. I then turn and latch on to Wild with my other hand, he stirs but soon settles. I hear giggling but it soon disappears as I fall back asleep.

Times POV
It's been about two months of us hanging about in my Hyrule and a lot has happened. First Malon has been working with Wild on his pronunciations and memory of words, in turn we can now have full conversations with him now with badly a stutter, Malon says he's a real fast learner. Second we also figured out that Wild does not like people cooking for him and will make his own every time, we haven't really figured out why but we think it's trust issues with poison. And last but not least how protective Wind can be with his 'brotherly instincts'.

We figured it out when Legend was teasing Wild. He wasn't doing it to be mean (surprisingly) but just to able and get to know the kid a bit better in his own way. Wind did not like that and tackled Legend while cursing like a sailor (on which he was) and looking like a rabid animal as he banged Legends head against the ground until me and Four could pull him off.

But with all the time that has pasted the Chain was starting to get antsy from staying still and not changing Hyrules. But we think Wild was antsy from not being in the wild like he was used to. Wild obviously wants to go out and not stay in one place but there's a reason Hylia sends us here. it is to gather supplies, heal the injured, and rest up so we can be at our fullest for our next trip across Hyrules.

It was a hot afternoon and we had just finished up with the barn work and the Chain was relaxing next to a tree when suddenly a portal opened up to take us. "Gather up and move out!" I yell as I buddy up with Twilight and wild. We gathered our supplies and went through with Wild in between me and Twilight.

This was one of the worst portals I've been through honestly and it made me feel like passing out and by the looks of the others I would say they feel the same. But the only one not affected was Wild who was staring at us as if he felt nothing. Wind was even on the ground. Wild went to the edge of a cliff that we had landed on and looked in to the horizon. "ITS MY HYRULE!" Wild exclaims as he jumps up and down. "N-Nice Pup just give us a sec to catch our breath." Twilight says right next to me.

I look around and see that there were three people passed out and the rest of us were on the ground (except Wild). The people that were passed out were Hyrule, Four, and sky.

I push myself into a sitting position and push down the bile that threatens to erupt from my throat. Wild then sits in front of me as he pulls out his slate as if  to check something. "We are near Zoras domain and they have beds there but we need to move quickly it will be safer there." Wild says as he puts up his slate. I look him in the eye and raise an eyebrow "what about our three passed out comrades?" I ask, wild looks at me sheepish "I was thinking... maybe you.. or the others could carry them?" Wild says as he plays with his hands.

I put a hand on his shoulder so he will look at me. "But what if we get attacked it's dangerous to go out like this." I say Wild shakes his head "all of them can be taken down by arrows and I know how to get around them without being seen." Wild explains, I sigh and nod there's no way I'll win this.

"Alright everybody" I yell across to everyone "we are going to carry the unconscious and head to shelter in Zoras domain we need to leave quickly." I say as I head over to Sky and hall him onto my back. Legend grumbles at he loses rock, paper, scissors with Warriors and goes to put Four on his back and Twilight goes to carry Hyrule.

We are on our way with Wild leading the way when he suddenly sticks his hand out in a stopping motion. We all stop and look at Wild. Wild pulls out a bow and climes into a tree, he then gets to the top and jumps off. My heart dropped as he falls to the ground. Wind and Warriors start run over to catch him but before they could take more then two steps five arrows shoot from the bow at lightning speed and Wild brings out his paraglider and floats down. Once he his the ground he turns to us and says with a bright smile "all clear!"

"What the HELL Wild?" Warriors walks up to him fretting over the boy and Wind looks close to passing out from a heart attack. "Ummmm I killed the monsters up ahead so we wouldn't have to worry." Wild says is a confused voice but Warriors and Wind are still looking at him, mortified. I take a step towards them and say. "What I think there trying to ask is how did you shoot out five arrows that fast and why did you jump off the tree?" Wild looks at me with confusion. Then Wilds mouth opens and closes as if he doesn't know how to explain it.

Then he takes a deep breath and looks at all of us "You guys can't slow down time in the air or during a attack?" Wild asks as if it's a normal thing. Me, Twi, Legend, Warriors, and Wind look at each other and then back at Wild. "WHAT?!"

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