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"What are you studying for?" I ask Rory.

"Math, You?" She responds looking up from her text book.

"History, This test is really getting to my mind. Have you even studied for it?" I go back to studying.

"Why would I it's next monday," She shrugs making me laugh.

"You're a very smart idiot Rory, It's tomorrow monday." I tell her and I see her eyes visibly bulge out of her face.

I start laughing before I help her study for the test. We spend about an hour of me catching her up before we hear a camera click from behind us making us both turn around. We see our mom smiling while shaking a polaroid to help it dissolve faster.

"You two are such geeks I love you," She giggles still shaking the polaroid. After a minute or two she puts the picture on the table in between us.

I look down and almost say awe, it's me and Rory sitting at the table home leaning my my head on her shoulder while she holds the book we're using, all of our books and homework lay out on the table.

I pick up a pen and write the date on the bottom left corner before Rory picks it up and put it on the fridge with a magnet.

The door bell ring and my mom hurried to go got answer the door.

"Who the hell would come here this late?" I question Rory adm she simply just shrugs at me.

After a few minutes our mom come back holding a pizza box.

"Mom this is the third pizza this week," Rory stands up from her seat taking the box and setting it on the counter.

"Well actually it's the first pizza of the week, in case you forgot it's sunday my dear," my mom boops Rory's nose with one finger.

"What kind did you get this time?" I walk over to the box and open it.

"Sausage bacon and olive," She says proudly. "I know we got it before and hated it but I figured we might like it now,"

"It's never true anytime you do this mom," I inform her as we all take a slice and bite it.

"Interesting," Rory mumbles

"I'm really hungry," My mom adds

"Interesting enough to eat I guess," I say before taking another bite.

After we eat me and Rory go back to studying and we fall asleep at the table.


I wake up hearing my alarm go off from my room. I slowly walk to into my room and turn it off. I grab a blanket and wrap it around me before going to the kitchen and waking up Rory.

"No not this again!" Rory says immediately panicking. deja vu right.

"Don't worry we won't be late, my alarm just went off." I tell her and she sighs of relief. "what time did we fall asleep yesterday?"

"I think around 1:30 ish" She rubs her eyes before standing up also.

"That explains why I'm so tired," I say while yawning.

When brushing my teeth I decide to do the very minimum today, I brush my hair and put in in a low ponytail tail, I put on a little bit of mascara and lipliner and change into my uniform.

I fall asleep on the bus and Rory has to wake me up before our stop at chilton. When we walk off the bus and into school I immediately walk up to my friends and Rory follows.

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