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"I really don't know why you stress so much over school Jade. Especially right now, there's two weeks of school left before winter break." Luise explains to me.

"That's the whole point guys, I need my grades to be good these last two weeks before winter break because my final grades when winter break starts are my final grades for this quarter!" I take a quick deep breath. "They have to be good"

"Your reading would make sense if it was for anyone other than you Jade!" Ali adds.

"What does that even mean?"

"It means you get good grades regardless of how much you stress yourself out. Moral of the story you're stressing for no reason!" Ali exclaims.

"Well then, this is not a very supportive friends moment for you guys is it?" I ask slightly sarcastically before packing up my things and walking out the door right after the bell.

I go to my locker and put away three books taking out four more and placing them in my bag. I turn my head and flinch when I see Tristan leaning on the locker right next to mine.

"Don't do that," I gently push him back.

"My bad!" he says putting his hands up in surrender. "Someone's a little tense,"

I shut my locker roughly before looking at him with a small glare.

"I'm sorry, it's my grades," I sigh. He puts his arms around my shoulder as we start slowly walking to our next class.

"What about them?" He furrows his brows in confusion.

"I need them to be perfect before the end of this quarter!" I explain my words full of stress.

"They always are pretty girl," he responds in a gentle tone.

"Why does everyone keep saying that!? can't you guys just be supportive and help me rather than try talking me out of STUDYING of all things?!?" I ramble.

"Okok i'm sorry," He turns us and out one hand on each of my shoulders. "How about we invite some people to my house after school and we can all study?"

"like a study group?" I question.


"That sounds great!" I smile before quickly kissing him on the cheek and dragging him along with me to class.

During that period we planned out everything for after school, the food, the people, the subjects and the times. Tristan didn't really care and he kind of just agreed with everything I said but I still want to give him credit for having it at his house.

Throughout the rest of the day we invited everyone and i called my mom and asked for permission. She said yes of course, like such the baddie queen boss she is.

Now me and tristan are sitting in his couch waiting for people to show up, after like five minutes since we got to his house there was a knock on the door.

I went and opened it and Javon and Mari were at the door. I smiled at them and opened the door fully so they could walk in.


"What's good?"

They both say, They immediately went to the living room and started some game on Tristan's playstation. They all three started playing and I sat at the counter reading a book I grabbed from
Rory's more recent selection.

"Aye jade come over here," Javon called.

"You don't want be with your boyfriend or something?" Mari teased.

"I just didn't want to get in the way," I smiled awkwardly and sat next to Tristan. I sat crisscross next to him with my book and hands in my lap.

"Get comfy, you're so stiff," Tristan whispered into my ear.

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