Chapter 24: World as Will

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Cesar wasn't sure how Al was going to take it. Al approached as he finished running, and Cesar explained to him how everyone had dispersed after Romann awarded him the Ever-life stone and how he wanted them in the Alchemical institute in 12 hours. Cesar was surprised how calm Al was over Romann giving him the stone,

Al began sharing his true predicament with Cesar, unveiling his belief that his room was haunted. Despite Cesar's skepticism toward ghosts, he agreed to switch rooms with Al as they made their way to the housing units.

It had been around 2 weeks of time since Al and Cesar had arrived at the 15th Blood Ring, and they hadn't fully settled into their burrows yet, so switching rooms wasn't an issue. 

Currently, Al found himself in Cesar's previous unit, lying on the stone floor that came with each unit. The room was illuminated by the radiant crystals embedded in the central ceiling, providing a constant, warm glow. 

As Al started to unwind, still wearing his armor, he pondered, "Alchemical institute, huh." After a few minutes, sleep enveloped.

Six hours into his slumber, a dripping sound pierced through the room, echoing in constant light. The water trough had overflowed, and now water spilled onto the floor. Al's helmet and armor were gradually soaked as the water seeped inside. 

Confused, he jolted awake, his heart pounding. To his astonishment, he discovered water inside his helmet and armor soaking his robe. "I'm far too drenched for this to be a mere dream," Al thought, struggling to comprehend the situation. The water quickly rose up to his knees.

With urgency, Al began walking away from the water trough, struggling against the weight of his waterlogged armor. As he reached the midpoint of the room, the water had completely submerged him. Undeterred, Al pushed through the water, his lungs burning with the need for air. 

A growing sense of unease gnawed at him. "Something isn't right," Al thought, a flicker of trepidation coursing through his veins.

Painstakingly, he navigated the bottom of the unit's stairs, his movements slow and laborious. Al's lungs felt like they were about to burst as he mustered every ounce of strength. Just as he looked up, a shiver ran down his spine, compelling him to cast a wary glance to his left, towards the foreboding darkness of the adjacent room. 

His lungs screamed for oxygen, threatening to betray him at any moment. And then, with a suddenness, darkness enveloped his vision, overtaking him completely.

Al awoke, his body drenched in sweat, realizing it had all been a vivid dream. The room's temperature had surged dramatically, causing his armor to scorch his skin, intensifying his perspiration, he was soaked in his own sweat. 

As he sat up, contemplating the haunting events of his dream, he cast a glance towards the dark room and let out a small, ironic laugh. For the first time, he removed his armor without feeling the vulnerability that had plagued him before. He now understood that the problem he faced could not be warded off by mere armor. 

A sense of relief washed over him as he shed the protective layers, feeling a wave of coolness envelop his body. Soon, exhaustion overcame him, and he swiftly succumbed to sleep once more.

Another four hours drifted by until Al stirred awake. He had slept for a total of nearly ten hours, the last four being the most restful he had experienced in months. The room had reverted to its normal temperature during his sleep, and as he reached out to touch his armor, it no longer scorched his fingertips. 

Al promptly donned his protective gear, ensuring its familiar weight settled upon him. He refilled his canteen with the standard Housing Unit water, which, though superior to regular water, held no significant difference for Al. Before ascending the stairs, he fixated his gaze on the enigmatic darkness of the adjacent room. It now held a newfound clarity, a hint of understanding.

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