Chapter 29: Stubborn Memories

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 Sometime later, Al found himself seated in a meditative position, cradling the stone Romann had given him. Its surface bore a dim, grayish-blue rune. Al readied himself mentally, even though Romann had left them without explicit instructions on its usage. Having grown accustomed to interacting with stones such as his Conveyance stone and Ever-life stone, Al felt confident the rune stone operated on similar principles. With a determined resolve, he meditated with the rune stone in his palms.

In an instant, the world vanished before him, replaced by a new reality. Al's hands, or rather, the hands of someone else, filled his vision. A commanding voice cut through the air, urging him to hurry. 

He tossed a weighty, star-shaped contraption his back. The burden threatened to overwhelm him, but he summoned his strength to bear it. People hurried past him, their voices blending into a chorus of urgency. 

Compelled by the body he now inhabited, Al secured the heavy contraption on his back and followed the people who had passed him, determined to keep pace.

The body he inhabited turned, casting a fleeting glance back at the corridor nestled against the base of a towering mountain. The distant echo of artillery reverberated through the air, each detonation a reminder of the imminent danger that loomed.

"Martin, for the love of all that is sacred, what are you waiting for? We are all waiting on you!" a voice erupted commanding obedience. The person Al inhabited responded, their voice laced with a mix of determination and deference. "Yes, Teacher, this student understands the task and shall fulfill it!"

Al's mind raced, processing the unfolding events. A realization crystalized within him — what he witnessed was not the present, but a memory unfolding through the eyes of someone named Martin. Time itself had shifted, thrusting Al into this moment, a mere observer in the static information within the runestone.

Martin, resolute and alone, ventured into the depths of the surrounding forest. 

Five figures stood behind, their impatience palpable, awaiting his return. Moments stretched into hours as Martin pressed forward, burdened by the weighty contraption secured upon his back. 

The rumble of artillery grew ever closer, the thunderous boom punctuating the air. Al's senses sharpened, taking in the sight of distant trees collapsing under the onslaught. 

Though rationality whispered that he faced no real danger, every fiber of his being screamed for escape. And just as the thought took hold, Martin abruptly altered his course, something seemed to guide him.

With a surge of determination, Martin deviated from the previous path, steering away from the encroaching peril. 

Moments later, a deafening explosion erupted where Martin had stood just seconds ago, engulfing the surroundings in chaos. Martin dodged death in such a way until the explosions became more frequent. 

Al's senses became overwhelmed by a resounding ringing, his hearing momentarily consumed by a deafening aftermath. The body he inhabited, once whole, now lay torn asunder. Martin's flesh and limbs mangled, his neck dislocated, and his severed legs. Yet, despite the horrifying state of his body, Martin clung to a thread of life, a gurgling sound growing louder amidst the fading ring.

Then, a remarkable transformation unfolded before Al's mind's eye. The A.R.C within Martin's navel whirled with a rhythmic pace, triggering a vibrating reaction in the dark bracelet adorning his left wrist. 

In a matter of seconds, Martin's body reconstituted itself, mending every wound and restoring him to his former state. Without skipping a beat, he reached down to retrieve the unscathed metal object, his purpose unwavering. With an otherworldly resilience, Martin continued his march, the same determined pace as before.

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