Chapter 84: The Brave Seek Death

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Al engaged in a graceful sword dance, his long-sword leading the way. Before him, a colossal octopus with tentacles resembling centipedes and a panther with ominous dark wings awaited. Behind the duo, a woman with the feet of a beast and hairy, clawed hands "Those must be the final two hybrids, and their Dark Acolyte," Al mused.

He held his stance, waiting for the creatures to make their move. The octopus vanished in the blink of an eye, its tentacle swiftly striking out. Hundreds of centipede-like legs coiled around Al's extended long sword, violently wrenching it from his grip.

"No matter," he muttered. Shifting swiftly, he drew his scimitar with both hands, the curved blade emanating a fierce, crimson glow. 

With a swift, fluid motion, Al swung the blade it sliced through one of its tentacles with ease, causing the octopus to retreat hastily, putting some distance between itself and Al.

As if anticipating this, the winged panther descended from the heavens, poised to strike at Al's exposed back. However, he had received a warning from his Stubborn Will's etheric shell and reacted instantly. 

Al leaped into the air, executing a nimble twist mid-air. In that fraction of a second, Al's searing scimitar sliced through the hybrid feline's mouth, cleanly severing its entire body into two gruesome halves.

Al touched down on the ground, his etheric shell seamlessly absorbing the surrounding mist. The dark acolyte scowled at him, her visage oddly human-like. With a raised hand, the earth beneath Al's feet underwent a remarkable transformation. The solid ground morphed into a colossal, hand-shaped structure, resembling clay in texture, with Al perched upon its palm.

As the colossal fingers of the earthen hand began to close in, Al's scimitar radiated a brilliant white glow. Swiftly, he plunged his blade into the encircling hand, determined to escape. The clay-like soil cracked and crumbled under the pressure, allowing Al to forcefully break free.

Emerging from the earthy prison, Al found himself on unsteady, undulating soil like a waterbed. The octopus navigated this unstable ground with ease, its tentacle slashing toward Al like a menacing chainsaw.

Al was sent tumbling by the brutal impact, a deep gash stretching from his abdomen to his face. His Stubborn Will slowly began healing his injuries. 

Struggling to regain his footing, Al could see the octopus hurtling toward him at breakneck speed. In his desperation, he swung his blade blindly, and off balance. The searing heat of his scimitar sliced effortlessly through the creature's tentacle, causing it to recoil.

Without wasting a moment, Al drove his blade into the ground. Gradually, the soil around him ceased its fluidity and hardened, providing him with a stable platform to resume his offensive.

But as he moved to strike the octopus, the earth surged upwards, forming an impromptu spike that pierced his foot, bringing him to his knees. "Damn these demons!" Al cursed in his thoughts, summoning every ounce of his Stubborn Will to heal.

Heat Will expanded, igniting the ground around him. Al's gaze locked onto the oncoming octopus, mere inches from impact. Suddenly, flames engulfed the creature, compelling it to back away instantly.

Al refused to grant the retreating octopus any respite and surged forward with astonishing speed. His blade cleaved through another of the hybrid's tentacles, each stroke reducing its arms. Relentlessly, he continued his assault, hacking and slashing until the creature lay in pieces.

As the last of its hybrids met its demise, the Dark acolyte, recognizing the hopelessness of her situation, turned and sprinted away in a desperate bid for escape. 

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